Tuesday, March 27, 2018

More lawyers decline to represent Donald Trump

http://www.msnbc.com/brian-williams/watch/more-lawyers-reportedly-say-no-to-repping-trump-on-russia-1195634755928 On her show Monday, Rachel Maddow said that when T. actually met the Fox news couple, he did not like them. It shows what a desperate state T. is in. Ms. Maddow added that everyone else, citing names of their lawyers, has a "proper lawyer" and son in law Kushner may have the best one, "in proportion to magnitude of his legal problems." Wow. Meanwhile T. tried to be sneaky and added a citizenship Q to the 2020 Census, but is getting push back from States. Not sure if the 60 expelled Russian diplomats have been actually put on the plane. kmk 3-27-2018

NIH reels with fear--future of research projects in jeopardy--

https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2025/03/05/nih-trump-turmoil-grants/ Mark my word, new viruses like Covid will keep evolving-- Th...