Sunday, March 31, 2019

My short writing bio--

I am a published writer of short and long fiction--and an award-winning poet (William Carlos Williams Award of the Academy of American Poets).  I was a Pew Finalist in Literature twice, Edward Albee praised my play Shaman and it won a Pennsylvania Council of the Arts Award.
I have published short stories, novellas and a full length novel Wolf on Amazon, I broadcast to Burma for Democracy.  My work has appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine, Wild River River, the Northern Virginia Review, Gravity Dancers (DC Women Writers); poetry was anthologized in Norton's Language for a New Century, featured on Asian-American Verse Beings.  Two poetry chapbooks (Tibetan Tanka and Pelted with Petals:  The Burmese Poems), dozens of readings and painting exhibits internationally.  In 2012, I was one of the first to speak up about the Rohingya Genocide.

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.