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Burma Translation Society
The Burma
Translation Society governing council in 1954 including many of the leading
writers of the time. Standing (from l to r): U San Htwa, U Ba, U Khin Zaw, U
Myo Min, U Thein Han, U Kaung, U Wun, U Thant Sitting (from l to r): Dr Htin
Aung, Education Minister U Than Aung, retired Supreme Court Chief Justice Sir
Mya Bu, Prime Minister U Nu, Finanace Minister U Tin, Supreme Court Justice U E
Maung, U Cho. The semi-official Society's main mission was to make outside
knowledge available to the Burmese people. In 1954 they had just published the
first volume of the "Encyclopedia Burmanica"; when the book first
arrived by ship at the Brooking Street wharf, U Nu and most of the cabinet were
there to greet the ship. U Nu believed that the country was suffering from an "ever
increasing number of ignoramuses and Mr Zeros" and that only the spread of
knowledge and education could make possible genuine development.
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