Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How to make yr own coronavrus mask--this is only for "casual use" Med professionals need better protection.

This template will be a better fit.

I tried (nylon) scarves, but slippery and tend to slip off.

This design has curved nose seam.

I just made mine of pure cotton, finished is 4 1/2 by 11 inches.

Old clean sheets, T shirts are very comfortable to use.

I put on 4 "ribbons" or stitched ties, each abt 12 inches long.

the top 2 ties should be level with the tops of yr ears.

The bottom 2 ties with the bottoms of yr ears.

I just cut off the seams of runner I cannibalized and used those.

Cut piece 1/2 inch extra all round.

Sew:  lay 2 pieces face to face

Look in mirror and mark level of ties with pencil.

lay 2 ties each side INSIDE the face to face pieces, sew sides shut with sewing machine.

That will secure the ties.

Turn mask inside out, pull out corners.  Try it on, ties go behind yr head.

The template design may be a better fit due to curves, but I have made mine my way.

Make about 4 masks per household member.

After each use (say each time you go to market) when you get home, sterilize in assigned pot you keep for each person, bringing to a ROLLING Boil for maybe 10 mins.  You can do this on a hot plate.  Don't sue pot for anything else.

Hang to dry on clean line--store dry masks in a new ziplock bag.

It is best for each person to have his or her own fabric--eg. pink is Kyi's, C's is blue stripes etc-- and not to boil them together.

I hope this helps.

I will test mine tomorrow when I take out trash and do my laundry.

It's more secure fit than scarves.  If you want better fit use the templates wh are in 3 sizes incld children's



Andrew Cuomo's daily corona briefing, Matilda's Law. "Love needs to be smarter"

No wonder his name sounds familiar, his father was Mario Cuomo and his brother is Chris Cuomo.

He is starting Matilda's Law named after his mother, bc his mother went to his other brother's house 2 times since 2 weeks ago,

and NY has largest # of corona cases now.

Temp hospitals in Central Park and Navy hospital ship is there now, but they are still short of supplies.


Monday, March 30, 2020

Coronavirus--what to do with the food you bring home--

Whole Foods is going on strike tomorrow--as is Insta Cart.

I just went to Whole Foods today, just now.

Here is Jeff Van Wingan on how to sterilize your food, incld washing each fruit in soap and water.  Wiping down outside of frozen food (plastic) with antiseptic.  Microwaving food bf you eat is good.


Freezer is not safe bc viruses live in cold for centuries.  I suggest you open a Twitter acct and follow accts like Now This.

Twitter is very fast with news, not for jibber jabber and showing off.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mya Harwood
To: gingerlykaung@aol.com
Sent: Mon, Mar 30, 2020 3:29 pm
Subject: Re: thank you

Just got a huge bag of pears , a pineapple & a roast chicken from  Costco. Tried prime delivery from Whole Foods last week . This week no delivery window available - will keep checking . 


On Mar 30, 2020, at 3:23 PM, "gingerlykaung@aol.com" wrote:

Have to do a grocery run--Gov Hogan put out stay at home order effective today 8 PM

I run out of fresh fruits and vegs


-----Original Message-----
From: Mya Harwood
To: gingerlykaung@aol.com
Sent: Sun, Mar 29, 2020 4:52 pm
Subject: Re: A suggested daily exercise during these times at home

Happy birthday !

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 29, 2020, at 12:17 PM, "gingerlykaung@aol.com" <gingerlykaung@aol.com> wrote:

Thank you.

I cld do cartwheels when I was 7.

Yesterday maybe I walked too much.  Got cramps late at night.

Am 77 today, so getting on.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mya Harwood <mharwood@hotmail.com>
To: gingerlykaung@aol.com <gingerlykaung@aol.com>; kyaw.shane@gmail.com <kyaw.shane@gmail.com>; vharwood@hotmail.com <vharwood@hotmail.com>; Harwood Mark <slaine17@gmail.com>
Sent: Sun, Mar 29, 2020 7:45 am
Subject: Fwd: A suggested daily exercise during these times at home

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:


Subject: A suggested daily exercise during these times at home
All you need is a box and a flat floor.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Coronavirus is peaking, pl self-isolate

Yesterday, one New Yorker was dying every ten minutes from COVID-19. Today, it’s every *seven* minutes. Every. Seven. Minutes.
Quote Tweet
Luis Ferré-Sadurní
NEW: 728 people have died in New York because of the coronavirus. That's up from 519 the day before, a 40% increase.

Friday, March 27, 2020

"Recd zero from the Federal gov, zilch, nada, so we're going to have to cut back--" Andrew Cuomo and NY State are doing an incredible job. Make sure you watch this.

Andrew Cuomo's press conference at Javits Center.


Cuomo wants trump to open field hospitals


Governor Cuomo: Trump grossly uninformed.


As new outbreak of Coronavirus on cruise ship, Dow tumbles, GM will make ventilators


Dr Sanjay Gupta, how to wash your hands tiutorial--

Also that's one CLEAN bathroom, probably at CNN

wow--No more cloth towels, change to kitchen towels now and don't reuse, use towel to turn off tap, and then dispose of towel.

Now there were 2 rest rooms with linen towels and big bins for uses towels, well 3 bathrooms.

1.  Oriental Hotel in Bangkok

2.  Clydes in Chevy Chase

3. My friend's house in Philly--wow, I can now rate bathrooms like my friend's father.

Back of hands, between fingers, thumb, rub nails of each hand on palm of other hand.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

My 2 novellas, Band of Flesh and 53 Red Roses--


Dr. K.M. Kaung was finishing her dissertation on totalitarian systems when she read about the hostage crisis in Lebanon at that time, and wrote Band of Flesh, about Ying, one half of 2 conjoined twins who yearns desperately to be free. Donna Lee Woods has been going along with her US diplomat husband to many countries, until he gives her 53 red roses, and suddenly, she cannot take it any more. Explore here with Ms. Kaung the quiet desperation of many human lives that are outwardly content and comfortable, till they reach the breaking point.

Band of Flesh when it was first published Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine, 1997.

My memoir--A Time to Write, Not Just About Burma--

People are saying,

don't try to write a novel during self-quarantine

Don't start a podcast.

Well, here's my memoir on writing.

I wrote it in 2014.

Medical professionals are saying more people are dying than are being reported.


CA sees 1 m unemployment claims in less than 2 weeks.


Top chef Cardoz dead of coronavirus one week after flying back from Mumbai


trump businesses barred fr bailout money in Coronavirus Bill


Bernie Sanders threatens to hold up coronavirus bill due to GOP blocking unemployment aid


Andrew Cuomo's coronavirus briefing--highly recommended


TV Series, The Assassination of Versace


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

He is not dr. donald trump--ignore--


India announced 21 day lockdown


COVID-19- thirty and forty year olds and children dying too.

#NYC School principal Dezann Romain has just died of #coronavirus complications. She was 36. David Lat, founder of Above the Law, is in critical condition, fighting for his life today. He is 44. #LtGovDanPatrick is dangerous & deserves public shaming.
Quote Tweet
Karine Jean-Pierre
This is a ridiculous, dangerous and reckless statement by Texas Lt Gov Dan Patrick. We do not and certainly should not sacrifice people’s lives for the economy or anything else.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Trump lies and people die

he's now well past 26,000 lies in nearly 4 years.

That does not count lies he told before 2017.  Don't take chances and believe him and get reckless unless you wish to die and pass on virus to others.


Trump Lies --covid-19

Trump lies and people die


Jonathan Livingston Seagull--Niel Diamond


Neil Diamond--You don't send me flowers--


Kenny Rogers RIP


White orchids at Hillwood, KMKaung.

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers sing Islands in the Stream. Kenny Rogers passed away last week.


Dr Fauci on speaking Truth to :Power (trump)


Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Where our script Times New Roman comes from.

St Cuthbert gospel is oldest book, postcard size, was placed in his coffin, and written in Uncial script.

Just beautiful.

Lindisfarne Gospel reqd the skins of 150 calves for the parchment, and was written by one monk, who also may have made the colored inks himself.
Monks wrote in a scriptorium.

 Lindisfarne ruins--raided by Vikings
 St Cuthbert's Cave

Lindisfarne, Cathedral, arch shown truncated, but it still exists.

Coronavirus symptoms and what to do, UK version.


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

DC mayor declares corona emergency


Small dino/bird found trapped in Burmese amber


Dow drops 1400 points


16 more years of Putin


Stocking your pantry the smart way


You can't make this shit up--the blessed son in law


Trump seething,always steaming.


Biden and Sanders have cancelled rallies due to coronavirus, trump has not.


Old age and happiness


Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Quote--how to handle the coronavirus


On his one piece of advice to the United States to handle the coronavirus
“I think the first thing that makes all of the other measures possible is accepting reality. This is something that is real and important, and we can do something about it if we accept the science of it and mobilize and share our resources and not think that we can block it by false measures like bans and national barriers and all the rest of it. Because coronavirus does not respect national borders or wealth or any of those things that we like to tell ourselves are bulwarks of protection.”

Trump not tested for coronavirus even though in contact with self-quarantined republicans on AF 1

and at CPAC


he's superman, the chosen one you know.

Intel assessment warns against conflating legal anti-Musk protests with vandalism--
