Monday, August 31, 2020

Flame retardant yarns and coatings--

  • additive. the flame retardant substance, also called masterbatch, is mixed into the polymer before the spinning/extusion process.
  • inherent. the material itself is flame retardant / flame proof.
  • coating. the yarn or the textile are coated with a FR layer (e.g. TPU) after they finished production.
Subject: Flame Retardent yarns & coatings --links -don't know if commercially available yet--thoough house sprays probably are.

  • additive. the flame retardant substance, also called masterbatch, is mixed into the polymer before the spinning/extusion process.
  • inherent. the material itself is flame retardant / flame proof.
  • coating. the yarn or the textile are coated with a FR layer (e.g. TPU) after they finished production.
search results.

I do remember reading somewhere that flame retardant manufacturers went up to a house in CA -in line of fire (some years ago) and asked to spray owner's house, and he said Yes.

He went back expected his house to be completely burned down but it was intact.

They developed it by searching fire sites and finding children's diapers that had not burned.

I expect if you live in CA, this would be useful info.

There is even an NIH entry in search results above.

In Burma check yr kitchen after cooking to see all fires out.  Also, I hope you will make the doors see through, to see what servants are up to.

A friend in NJ had her house burn down to the ground not once, but twice, from X'mas candles, no servants in USA.



Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler excoriates trump--"You started the violence."

Twitter is full of eye witness video of both Kenosha, IL and Portland.

It's not "democratic" to come in with unmarked military type vehicles, arms and militia and drive literally rough shod over people.

Ted Wheeler is quite right.

I do believe that there is less corruption at the local and regional level bc voters see their candidates and chosen leaders up close.



Sunday, August 30, 2020

Special post--project suitable for both crochet and knitting--

Skull crochet scarf--detail.  KM Kaung, based on pattern by Fiber Spider.

It will work up really fast, as 1/2 or 50% is "enclosed space."

It's designed by Fiber Spider (Craig Manon) probably to wear in 60-70F weather, or indoors when it's very cold, or with coat or jacket in rain and bitter cold.

It will probably be least boring to work in a color-changing or ombre yarn.

Thought someone might like to try it, even as a sewing project with very gauzy fabric.

For the skull scarf I made, also based on a Fiber Spider tutorial (all my crochet is learned from Fiber Spider, big thank you)

I used middle tone, worsted weight yarn (4) (acrylic, as I want to keep costs down).  I used beige as I had the wool and the skull pattern would not look good in a color-changing yarn that changes color too fast or too brightly.

Weight of 3 is flimsiest I have since tried.  I want to be able to see the stitches and like easy handling.

My mother and my nanny Ma Shin wld likely have made fun of my sin ta lan, myin ta lan (Elephants' and horses' footsteps stitches, also sometimes of uneven tension).

My mother was like Rilke's mom.

Expert at taking you down one or more notches.

However, I am the age she was when she said such nice things; I am 70+; they are all dead; and I am overseas from Burma in a cold climate, isolating due to Covid and my art life.

So give it a try,

If you don't like it, you can

1. rewind and reuse the wool--Rewinding goes faster than stitching.

2. shove it somewhere

3. donate it.

4. wash it in very hot water and felt it--

even maybe wipe the floor with it.  Who knows?

Possibilities are endless, but 2 best are

A. donate it.  Now there are many fire, flood and police brutality victims and families.  Find the right organization to give to.  Thrift shops and salvation Army take donations of clothing.  I gave away all my work clothes.

B. open an Etsy acct where i. It might lie there unsold forever or ii.  you might sell something.

Adjust yr prices to be competitive and comparative with others' products.

Remember we are in a Pandemic and the worst Depression in modern history.

So, good luck.

In any case as our Fiber Group leader Joan said, "You'll either have a good time or a terrible time, but either way it will be over."

Thank you too Joan.

That's why I like projects.

They have a beginning, a middle and an end, and can even be killed off or aborted.

So there you have it.

KM Kaung


Oliver Stone's memoir--an excerpt.


Trump instigating violence fr WH podium

Mary Trump said that her father Fred was so angry with trump's behavior at table that he upended a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head.  See Mary Trump's book.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Shinzo Abe resigns + Abenomics

Bing Virtual Museum Tours.

Living poem-Mets and Marlins tribute

New York Mets and Miami Marlins walk off the field, leave Black Lives Matter shirt on home plate

New York Mets and Miami Marlins walk off the field, leave Black Lives Matter shirt on home plate

Header media
3 hours ago
New York Mets and Miami Marlins walk off the field, leave Black Lives Matter shirt on home plate
In a united show of protest against social injustice, the Mets and Marlins did not play their scheduled game on Thursday night, joining numerous teams across MLB, the NBA, WNBA and MLS to postpone competition in response to the police shooting of Jacob Blake. Following a 42-second moment of silence, both teams exited Citi Field, leaving only a Black Lives Matter T-shirt on home plate.
Video via @Marlins
Share your thoughts

New York Mets and Miami Marlins walk off the field, leave Black Lives Matter shirt on home plate

The Mets and Marlins took the field, had a 42-second moment of silence, and then walked off. The only thing left on the field: a Black Lives Matter shirt.
0:02 / 2:16


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Thanks to all those "others" who wrote pre-publication reviews for me. All the 21 reviews are in the front portion of the e-book.
The following media includes potentially sensitive content. Change settings
Will be squeeze incest dot after accepting the nomination?? Eww, YUK.
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Andrea Mitchell
Something I never thought I’d see: a political convention ready to gavel in at the White House
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Andrea Mitchell
Something I never thought I’d see: a political convention ready to gavel in at the White House
Yamiche, move backwards, leave and put on yr mask. Cover this event via long distance lens and drones.
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PBS NewsHour
"The White House has been transformed into a campaign rally site on the South Lawn, where I am standing," @Yamiche reports. "The lines have never been more blurred between the White House and the Trump campaign."

Family says Jacob Blake, paralyzed for life, shot in back 7 times by police, is chained to hospital bed.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Republican staffers reject trump--

My novella-- K M Kaung The Rider of Crocodiles

Justice for Jacob Blake --

What you need to know
- Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Sunday, leaving him partially paralyzed, his family said - The DOJ opened a federal civil rights investigation into the shooting on Wednesday - Professional athletes are refusing to compete in solidarity with demonstrations against racial injustice - Protests across the country continued for a fourth consecutive night on Wednesday - Illinois authorities arrested one juvenile linked to a fatal shooting in Kenosha
The police officer who shot #JacobBlake in the back in front of his children was identified as Rusten Sheskey.
Black small square
He fired 7 times, hitting Blake 4 times
Black small square
No witnesses/officials report Blake held a knife or threatened officers
Black small square
Blake may be permanently paralyzed, lawyer says
Officer Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the force, fired seven shots into Jacob Blake's back, the Wisconsin Department of Justice says. Officials say he was the only officer present to fire a weapon.

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.