Monday, August 24, 2020

NBC Nightly News 8-23-2020 More children getting Covid-19

I am sure it will be very difficult for children to keep on masks the whole day. It is hard for me even to keep on a cloth mask for 30-45 mins to one or 2 hours at a time.

I also see people on TV hugging! or doing hi fives even tho' wearing masks.

Shld be elbow bumping or waving at each other. ( I'm glad I am not from a touching culture.)

No one in my building or neighborhood does that.  If someone does not recognize me, I just take off my hat.  I used to have a piece of cardboard with my room # written on it large in marker when I went to reception desk to ask abt my packages.

I also wear gloves and keep a kitchen towel soaked with hand sanitizer in my hand.

The instruction is you should wipe down things you touch all the time such as door handles, steering wheels, yr laptop and mouse and esp. yr cell phone.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online