Saturday, March 04, 2023

Black Escalade with tinted windows by Marianne Villaneuva Marianne has given me permission to write abt "our time" when her mother, a concert pianist came to the Berlin Conference with the Philppine ambassador to Germany and took her out to dinner. We were very concerned. Marianne had written about the gang rape of a a beauty queen, Mayor of the Roses; 42 difft semen samples were detected during the autopsy. The boyfriend was framed and blamed. The woman ambassador said "These things don't happen in Philippines." My friend came back fr the dinner OK. We also saw the Holocaust Memorial. We stayed in a beautiful hotel on the River Spree "Spray". Like all such meets it was harrowing as well as enervating. It was good to meet others such as Thai writer Rattawut and Vietnamese- Amercan poet Linh Dinh. Well, none of us stood by and did nothing. KMKaung 3-4-2023

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online