Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Irrawaddy op ed--UN refusal totalk to NUG will lead to more convoy attacks--

Not that UN was any use in past.
ONE TRUCK did not even get through bc UN insisted on delivery through junta.
Same same happened Cyclone Nargis--even commander of USS Essex complained.
Which world do we live in??
I'm sorry I discarded the book of UN's florists' bill etc during a move. And needed to be bailed out by Ted Turner.
BTW--Gambari was called Kyauk yu pyan by Burmese--"Took gems (gifts/bribes) and went home."
It will not end well, I'm telling you.
Scroll down and read of more beheadings.
Remember, the West largely didn't believe in Nazi concentrations camps while they were happening. Lots of Holocaust deniers even today. 3-14-2023
Images--NOTE--Much ofthis destruction,infact all--caused byjunta air attacks.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online
