Friday, September 01, 2023

Burma Resistance on Offensive, junta defensive--cluster bombs--de-mining with bare hands
I've heard so much of this blah blah since 1988.
I agree with Igor B.
"Suu Kyi is so this, SK is so that--sanctions don't work--corvee is not forced labor" and so much bullshit.
If everyone thought they would fail anyway, why do anything.
RESPECT these young people who are risking their lives daily.
Don't sit on your arse and do nothing=meditating,"sending thoughts and prayers" giving all manner of good advice, like"give up."
I personally think Rome is about to fall. Russia is buying back weapons from countries like Burma.
Economics and the weakness of slave labor brought down Nazi Germany-- you shld all read more. He looks stressed--go make another Buddha image.

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online