Wednesday, September 20, 2023

USTravel Advisories--Not to travel to--red--include Afghanistan and Myanmar,Mexico by State
Take note.
US paid too much recently to in effect buy American citizens out of Afghanistan --some of whom had been imprisoned years.
Don't take the risk--it's not worth it.
There are plenty other places to go to.
You can even staycation and travel anywhere by reading books, incld to ancient China, Greece, Rome, India you name it. To outer space, to the future--to see dinosaurs or the first fish, bird, bee, flower.
No more standing in line, no more walking miles and miles in airports, no more jet lags.
Almost every exotic food can be bought easily.
I'm very glad I decided to be a writer when I was 10.
9-20-2023 , or

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar