Monday, November 20, 2023

From Old Post Office DC wiki--excerpt--Google it yourself

After Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as President of the United States, the Trump International Hotel became the focus of legal controversy.[177] World leaders stated Trump was encouraging that visiting emissaries were encouraged to stay at Trump hotels.[178] Trump family members, such as Ivanka, profited from their stake in the hotel while Donald Trump was president.[179]
After he left office, the House Oversight Committee continued to investigate, publicly revealing in October 2021 that the Trump International Hotel had received about $3.7 million from foreign governments, potentially violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, according to the congressional committee, the hotel had a net loss of over $70 million during Trump's presidency. To address this loss, another of Trump's companies, DJT Holdings LLC, loaned over $27 million to the hotel, only a small portion of which the hotel repaid. Most of the loan was eventually converted to capital contributions.[180] Emoluments Clause lawsuits

Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--