Thursday, April 18, 2024

My translation into Burmese of Faiz Ahmed Faiz--If you look at the city from here

Using auto-translate partially.
ဒီကနေ မြို့ကိုကြည့်ရင်
Dee ka ne myo pya gyi ko
hlann kyii like-yin
htaun chay yar myay pone ah taing be.
bahoe sett waing ah htut htut.
Sett waing taing myo yoe woon yan hlyet.
an taing har ah kyin thamarr tway ah twett
khway pyay lan kyaung tway
hmat taing me
oo tee chett ma shii
htwet pauk me.
ta yauk yauk ka
khutt myan myan lay
shwaii yin
“yutt” lo thu ko bar kyaunt
aw hit pyee ma tar lair lo
tway mii te.
ta yauk yauk ka
thu let maung ko
mhyauk like yin
than kyoe ta klut klut
myee than ko
kyarr laint-me.
(သံကြိုးများ တုန်ခါသံကို ကြားရမည်ဟု မျှော်လင့်ပါသည်) --
Faiz Ahmed Faiz as translated by Naomi Lazard.
If you look at the city from here.
If you look at the city from here
you see it is laid out in concentric circles
ach circle surrounded by a wall
exactly like a prison.
Each street a dog-run for prisoners,
no milestones, no destination, no way out.
If anyone moves too quickly you wonder
why hasn’t he been stopped by a shout.
If someone raises his arm
you expect to hear the jangling of chains. *

Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online