Sunday, July 28, 2024

from WIRED--science--when will the Atlantic Ocean collapse--extremely interesting--global warming
Stats, string theory, systems, tipping points.
Global warming, but not at the same rate everywhere; not at the same places, nor same depth of ocean. Needs a 3 D model.
Coming at it from an economic and political systems view, I would say for Burma 2021 coup and dramatic increase of sadistic control was the tipping point for Burma--
but my longtime ecos mentor, Ragnar Nurkse Prof of International Trade at Columbia U, the late Dr Ronald E Findlay said "collapse is not an economic term."
In my view Burma has been a failed state for a very long time.
Do I believe the Ditlevson siblings about Atlantic collapse in 2057--
es, I do.
But I can't migrate to Colorado--to be at a higher altitude.
I would love to see a visual simulation of the current and Atlantic Ocean collapse.
This is truly a wow moment--the brother and sister should get a Nobel prize--
also don't trust Wiki.
It's too bad Dr. Findlay is no longer alive and I really don't know any mathematicians or statisticians at this point, but if you are a math whiz, please take a crack at this.
After all if the Atlantic Ocean collapses, it will be catastrophic.
just read Hurricane Beryl is not a freak and it will just keep getting worse.
yi May Kaung

Bonnie Tyler--Total Eclipse of the Heart--Plus--excerpt from Coming to America. When I first arrived in the USA--I was very homesick and found it hard to adapt to high street...