Monday, July 29, 2024

Meet Resistance Leader Dr. (medical doctor)Tayzar San
He's more than a "popular icon."
Sometimes Irrawaddy headlines do not give due credit--but seem to belittle-
Tayzar San is an unlikely leader, as Sean Turnell called himself an "unlikely prisoner."
The small, thin, brown little man with a big smile is clearly very smart. He has people skills.
As I see it, he's a composite of Aung San, ASSK and master strategist the late U Win Tin.
He's been traveling a lot.
He just staged a "Flashmob demonstration" right in the middle of Mandalay City, by the old palace wall and moat.
Think of that!
For those of you who don't know--"flashmob" is not an unruly mob at all. It just means impromptu performance or appearance--such as unadvertised classical music concerts at train stations etc.
We should do what Tayzar San asks of us--even if it's as "insignificant" as clicking a mouse.
Dr. Maung Zarni (Ph.D. Education) once held up a metal spoon--"This is how people get out of prison."
Off topic--I went to my first senior singalong--we sang Broadway hits. I requested Presley "Love me Tender" The lyrics were projected on a big screen.
There's one a month. Would be nice if there were some men, but most have died off. So our voices were high and somewhat weak, but we got stronger towards the end.
Regards kmk Dr Kyi May Kaung (Ph.D. Political Economy) 7-29-2024

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.