Thursday, October 31, 2024

Special post--Irrawaddy interview of Kim Aris, son of DawAung San Suu Kyi and the late Dr. Michael Aris--
Mr Aris speaks very like his brilliant mother--able to get to the crux of any problem, and with a great deal of courage.
Please join him in making his clean water project successful.
At least click your mouse and share this video.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

My problem is, my stories get dark quickly--I can't write a sunny, happy family--nor a sunny golden land either.

Devny Perry--contemporary romance series--like a factory--
So far only read one--a chef and a single mother--Juniper Hill--BTW--color-coded--evocative covers--unusual.
plot rich--the voices of the 2 lead characters sound similar--
and strange verbs--
Like "I stole a grape"
or "I spied a--"
"I smashed my lips--"
which sounded overblown--
Otherwise good plotting and characters appealing
The sex scenes not as explicit as some other authors'--but then a baby and then a toddler is always screaming--
Nice Montana setting.

Also a prescription only--cholesterol controlling drug--

Junuvia--for Type 2 diabetes--website--This is a prescription drug--

Opera Pushkin--written by a Pushkin descendant--

Burmese food tour--looks gooey.

Ice dancing--2024,vid:eVHnn1c5yCU,st:0

myanmar--as junta bombings on civilians escalate--new sanctions--

David Garrett--Matteo Bocelli--Ave Maria

Bruce Willis and FTD--

The man who died, Stanley Biddle, was a homeless member of the Biddle family of Baliey, Banks and Biddle--
I often saw him sleeping on campus, in the doorways of university buildings.
With Kathy Change, he was a common sight on campus.

Flash fiction--man who froze to death

In October 1984 on a very cold night, Stanley Biddle, a homeless man who was a familiar figure on the University of Pennsylvania campus, froze to death after falling asleep near 38th Street.
History - University City Hospitality Coalition, Inc. › history
It was my first snowstorm experienced in America, though I'd seen a lot of snow in Poland.
There were 4 feet drifts of snow on Chestnut Street.
My friend Scallion Shoot called me to say they had to dig themselves out of the snowdrift, using the garage door first to get out, because they could not use the regular doors.
Kaung --10-30-2024

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Google search results--billionaires who settle scores--

from wiki--

Turner said he has 4 girlfriends, but "it's easier than being married." ==

AI generated--why Jane Fonda left TedTurner--

AI Overview Learn more… Jane Fonda left Ted Turner for a number of reasons, including: Affair Fonda discovered that Turner was having an affair a month after they married in 1991. She spotted Turner's lover hiding behind a pillar while waiting for him at the CNN Center. Religious beliefs Fonda became a Christian, which upset Turner. Fonda said she didn't tell Turner because she knew he would try to talk her out of it. Turner said he was upset because Fonda didn't talk to him about it, but not because she became Christian. Communication difficulties Turner said they had trouble communicating because they spent so much time apart. Authenticity Fonda said that if she stayed, she would die without ever becoming who she was meant to be. Fonda and Turner announced their separation in January 2000 and finalized their divorce. They remain good friends.
Jane Fonda After Death and Divorce, Revisited - Slate Magazine
Feb 8, 2024 — A month after Ted and I were married, I discovered he was having an affair. And so I left him.
Slate Magazine
Turner says Jane Fonda's faith didn't cause split
Nov 8, 2008
The Today Show
Apr 4, 2005 — Just a month into their 1991 marriage, Jane Fonda discovered that her new husband, Ted Turner, was cheating on her. She... Greensboro News and Record Show all Generative AI is experimental.

US Billionaires--AI generated

AI Overview Learn more… As of 2024, there are 756 billionaires in the United States, living in 43 states and Washington, D.C. The states without billionaires are Alaska, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia. Here are some other facts about billionaires in the United States: Wealth The combined wealth of the 801 billionaires in the United States is $6.22 trillion. Top billionaires The top five billionaires in the United States are: Elon Musk: Tesla/X and SpaceX, $252.5 billion Jeff Bezos: Amazon, $204.8 billion Larry Ellison: Oracle, $197 billion Mark Zuckerberg: Meta, $182 billion Warren Buffett: Berkshire Hathaway, $141 billion Billionaire hotspots California and New York have the most billionaires, with more than 100 each. Florida and Texas also have double-digit billionaire populations. Billionaire per capita Washington, D.C. has the most billionaires per capita because of its size.
List of U.S. states by the number of billionaires - Wikipedia This is a listing of U.S. states (plus the District of Columbia) according to the number of billionaires residing in each. As of 2...
Wikipedia Mapped: The Number of U.S. Billionaires in Each State Jul 31, 2024 — Ranked: U.S. States By Billionaire Residents There are 760 billionaires in the U.S., of which 472 (62%) live in just f... Visual Capitalist 801 U.S. billionaires hold a combined $6.22 trillion in wealth Sep 17, 2024 — 801 U.S. billionaires hold a combined $6.22 trillion in wealth - Getty Images. Wealth Concentration. 8... Generative AI is experimental.

Ted Turner--from wikipedia
wow--200,000 subscribers flee Wapo after Bezos declines to endorse Harris
last week it was LA Times.
WAPO--has "Democracy dies in darkness"
on their masthead.

Chest pains--

China fires warning shot at myanmar junta jets

Monday, October 28, 2024

Russian billionaires sanctioned by Biden--this article is 2 years old

Russian Revolution--1917

Kronstadt--amateur video--,vid:nnld3_5pnpw,st:0

Krondstadt in the summer--don't go--this is just research for a novel.,vid:BXa0mhtAeGk,st:0

Krondstadt Rebellion 1921 and aftermath--from wiki

None of the Kronstadt rebellion's demands were met.[208] The Bolsheviks did not restore freedom of speech and assembly. They did not release socialist and anarchist political prisoners. Rival left-wing groups were suppressed rather than brought into coalition governance. The Bolsheviks did not adopt worker council autonomy ("free soviets") and did not entertain direct, democratic soldier election of military officials. Old directors and specialists continued to run the factories instead of the workers. State farms remained in place. Wage labor remained unchanged.[209] Avrich described the aftermath as such: "As in all failed revolts in authoritarian regimes, the rebels realized the opposite of their aims: harsher dictatorship, less popular self-government."[210]
Lenin announced two conclusions from Kronstadt: political rank closure within the party, and economic ingratiation for the peasantry.[209] Lenin used Kronstadt to consolidate the Bolsheviks' power and dictatorial rule.[211] Dissidents were expelled from the party.[212] Oppositional leftist parties, once harassed but tolerated, were repressed—jailed or exiled—by the end of the year in the name of single party unity.[210] The Bolsheviks tightened soldier discipline and scuttled plans for a peasant and worker army. Lenin wanted to scrap the Baltic Fleet as having an unreliable crew but, per Trotsky, they were instead reorganized and populated with loyal leadership.[208]
During the 10th Party Congress, concurrent with the rebellion, Kronstadt symbolized the swelling peasant unrest towards the party's unpopular War Communism policy and the need for reform, but Kronstadt had no influence on Lenin's plans to replace War Communism with the New Economic Policy (NEP), which was drafted for the Congress's agenda in advance of even the rebel's demands. Rather the rebellion accelerated its adoption.[213] Prior to the rebellion, Lenin recognized a trend of peasant dissatisfaction and feared general revolt during the country's transition, and so conceded that a conciliatory, peasant-focused domestic economic program was more immediately urgent than his ambitions for Western proletariat revolution.[214] The New Economic Policy replaced forced food requisition with a tax in kind, letting peasants spend their surplus as they pleased. This defused peasant discontent with War Communism

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Gordeeva and Grinkov--

So very sad--young men who commit suicide--be aware of victims--call Suicide Hotlines.

I would read this RK Narayan--who was President of India--his wife from Mandalay
There is also The Illustrated Mahabharata--but it's expensive--though beautiful and easy to understand.

Already been written--

There are multiple books and movies about Draupadi, including a novel and a graphic novel:
The Palace of Illusions
A 2008 novel by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni that retells the Hindu epic Mahabharata from the perspective of Draupadi, a woman in a patriarchal world. The book is about Draupadi's life, from her birth from fire to her marriage to the Pandava brothers, her exile in the wilderness, and the war she starts. Some say the book is a lyrical tale that is both ancient and modern, and that it incorporates many elements of the Mahabharata. A film adaptation of the novel is in the works.
Draupadi: Fire-Born Princess A graphic novel that tells the story of a princess, a cheating lord, a lying king, and a period of exile. Some say the graphic novel format is a great way to tell the story and that it will inspire readers.
A feminist adaptation of the Mahabharata based on Pratibha Ray's 1984 novel Yajnaseni: The Story of Draupadi. Rukmini Maitra is leading the project.
ukmini Maitra To Lead 'Mahabharata' Feminist Adaptation 'Draupadi'
Jul 27, 2023 — An adaptation of ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata” from its strongest woman character Draupadi's point of view, “Draup...
The Palace of Illusions - Wikipedia
e Palace of Illusions: A Novel is a 2008 novel by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, published by Doubleday. ... The novel is a renditi...
Film adaptation of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s novel on Drapaudi ...
Sep 26, 2018 — What Draupadi saw: Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's 'The Palace of Illusions' to be adapted into a film.

Draupadi who had 5 husbands--see also Arjuna

completely AI generated--I have mixed feelings about this--Mahabharata

video-miserable place clled myanmar--

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Just beautiful--The Mahabharata

AI Overview Learn more… Several novels have been inspired by The Magic Flute, including: Night's Daughter By Marion Zimmer Bradley, this 1985 novel is set in an Atlantis-like world with human-animal hybrids.
The Magic Flute
By P. Craig Russell, this 1990 graphic novel is part of the author's Library of Operatic Adaptation.
Temples of Delight
By Barbara Trapido, this 1990 novel is set in contemporary England, but loosely follows the structure of The Magic Flute.
Sunlight and Shadow
By Cameron Dokey, this 2004 novel is a retelling of The Magic Flute for young adults.
Mateki: The Magic Flute
y Yoshitaka Amano, this 2008 adaptation of the opera is illustrated by Amano and uses classic Japanese elements.
By Luisa Perkins, this 2021 contemporary fantasy novel is a retelling of The Magic Flute set in modern-day New York.

Act 1, scene 1, Macbeth--copied and pasted from Gutenberg Project--something like opening of Mozart's The Magic Flute

ACT I SCENE I. An open Place. Thunder and Lightning. Enter three Witches. FIRST WITCH. When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? SECOND WITCH. When the hurlyburly’s done, When the battle’s lost and won. THIRD WITCH. That will be ere the set of sun. FIRST WITCH. Where the place? SECOND WITCH. Upon the heath.
There to meet with Macbeth.
I come, Graymalkin!
Paddock calls.
Fair is foul, and foul is fair:
Hover through the fog and filthy air.

Macbeth--full text--

Shakespeare--A Midsummer's Night's Dream--full text.
You will find where the screenwriter of that movie (just posted)
picked or shortened from Shakespeare's original.

Shakespeare--Henry V

Francis Bacon--Of Death

William Shakespeare--

A Midsummer's Night's Dream--by Shakespeare--in modern dress.
He wrote this in the 16th century--the words, the poetry, still pack a punch.
I saw one modern dress production online--King Lear--which was also very good.

Balinese naming system--

Marjane Satrapi--Persepolis--a graphic novel--(comic book)

Graphic--mass shooting of 5 family members by another family member--graphic, disturbing--
Too many guns--do activism for gun control.

Roland Petit--Bolero--,vid:sQ2chcGOJgY,st:0

Roland Petit--Carmen--,vid:yveE5eydw1E,st:0

Friday, October 25, 2024

Try to remember

82 American Nobel Laureates endorse Harris--

Relative of ex-dictator Than Shwe arrested over social media posts.

LA Times editor's resignation letter--owner refused to endorse Harris--

Pretty sweet movies--but hard to remember anything--,vid:PMeHdc25BGE,st:0

Here we go--Friday night movie marathon--Epheseus,Turkey.,vid:PMeHdc25BGE,st:0

No need to buy the books--lots of light movies free--too. When Burmese politics gets to be too much.

Nice gentle movie--like a Hallmark Hall of Fame (romance)--,vid:72gTHNo9b5E,st:0

When Agatha Christie disappeared--

Specialized--General Surgical Oncology Fellowship

Thursday, October 24, 2024

New Video out of Burma--

OMG--Gold Medal Sprinter who took up running at age 100--
Red Spider Textile design--copyright Kyi May Kaung.
Available on Spoonflower site.

Special--Aung San Suu Kyi photo gallery --CNN

More Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

My Archives in Amsterdam--

Philosopher--Thomas Hobbes--

Metropolitan Museum of Art--essay and artwork--Life of the Buddha.

A man said to George Bush, "If my son dies, I will not forgive you."

Quotes from my Burman, Chin and Karen friends--

UZB washed dishes as a graduate student.
Finally, he saved enough money to go home to visit.
Unfortunately, it was in 1988.
Clampdown on mass pro-democracy demonstrations, 18th Sept 1988.
UZB had to come back--after ? # of days.
My friend's son SD went to meet him at Newark International Airport.
SD told me as he met me at Princeton Junction.
He said "UZB came fuming off the plane--
He said, "It's worth it being NW.
"He only has to die once."
You wonder why
1.people get onto leaky boats and go out into the high seas
2. why they walk through the jungles to other countries
3. why they take up homemade muskets and fight back.
Here is your answer.
Take it or leave it.
It's not nuclear physics.
The most despicable are those who deny deny deny
While the foot soldiers and the conscripts and the refugees and the bombed out die
die die die.
By the thousands.
My friend Taw Myo Myint, dressed in royal mourning white
she was a descendant of Thibaw, the last king of Burma's elder sister --Pakhangyi Supaya.
"I will work for Aung San Suu Kyi as long as I live."
She said this 3 times.
She died a few days later.
Rest in Protest.
It is now 20 years since she passed away.
Image from wiki--Buddha's First Sermon in the Deer Park, Sarnath. Sculpture in Tibet.

She's a woman, she's a Living National Treasure--if she dies in prison--m a h and all will be complicit--incld western nations, everyone else. Take note.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her son Kim.

With Aunty Dora, the late Dr Michael Aris--Tibetan Buddhism expert--

In Bhutan--

Sean Turnell with Aung San Suu Kyi

What the heck--I am going to spend the rest of today--posting photos of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--I invite you to do the same on your social media.

LET HER GO. Collage by Zwe Yan Naing

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's son, Kim Aris, speaks out--

Tutorial--how to colorize an old photo--

How to add color on an old photo--

AI Overview Learn more… To add color to an old photo using Procreate, import the image into the app, then use the "Eyedropper" tool to sample colors from different areas of the photo, creating new layers to paint in the appropriate colors based on what you know about the subject matter, adjusting saturation and hue as needed to achieve a realistic colorization effect; you can also utilize Procreate's color adjustment features to fine-tune the overall color balance of the
Key steps:
Import your photo:
Open Procreate and import your black and white photo into a new canvas.
Create separate layers: For each element you want to colorize (like skin, clothing, background), create a new layer on top of your original photo. Use the Eyedropper tool: Select the Eyedropper tool and sample colors from similar areas in other colored photos or reference images to determine what the original colors might have been. Paint with sampled colors: On the appropriate layer, use a brush to paint in the colors you sampled, carefully matching the tones and sh

Procreate smudge tool--,vid:V0DjKAaCe3c,st:0

Youtube tutorial--first landscape painting in Procreate (app)

Painting apps--

Jennifer Lawrence --2nd pregnancy--husband--they look well-matched and happy--

Highly disturbing--don't take it "lying down." French mass rape case--quotes--

Two-thirds of rapes take place at private homes, and in a vast majority of cases, victims know their rapists, Lafourcade said.
It can be difficult at times to reconcile the facts with the personalities of the accused — described by loved ones as loving, generous and considerate companions, brothers and fathers.
Cyril B.’s tearful older sister told the court: “It’s my brother, I love him. He’s not a mean person.” His partner insisted that he isn’t “macho” and that he had never forced her to do anything sexually that she wasn’t comfortable with.
Lafourcade said that unlike the #MeToo accusations that have ensnared French celebrities, the Pelicot case “makes us understand that in fact rapists could be everyone.”

LA times editor resigns--

Sinha Bahu--Sri Lankan movie

Dian Fossey--

50 reported cases of children raised by wolves in India.

Wow--full text--Tarzan of the Apes--by Edgar Rice Burroughs--

Ron Ely was not the only movie Tarzan--

Remembering Ron Ely--Tarzan--

Ron Ely--Tarzan dies at 86

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Indian textiles--Textile Museum, D.C.

Queen Maya's Dream--from Metropolitan Museum of Art--in public domain

2nd century Queen Maya scupture--from Gandhara--Metropolitan Museum of Art--New York.

The Dream of Queen Maya (the Buddha's Conception)
Pakistan (ancient region of Gandhara) ca. 2nd century
Not on view
Female attendants and guards, one of whom holds a sword, surround Maya, who is sleeping on a bed that has turned legs and is covered with an elegant floral textile. Maya dreams of a six-tusked elephant that descends from heaven to enter her womb through her right side; originally a small elephant would have been depicted in the broken central disk. This miraculous conception marks the Buddha Shakyamuni's final rebirth and physical entrance into this world.

Original Mrs Aye Hlaing obituary got 105 blog hits so far--all time record #.

It shows how much we need Heroes, in our lives--when all we see is cruelty, selfishness and ego.
Kyi May Kaung
White hydrangeas--photo--Kaung


How limited, how small are some minds--one woman says she only reads the Bible--another only does Vipassana meditation

yet another was all, Meditation, Meditation, till he got cancer--then he told everyone of his cancer.
This guy, aged about 80++ now, tried to tell me I was abad wife and mother--
WTF--and that's a good Buddhist. 10-23-2024
Pete Seegar's song--art work Kaung.

Persian Epic Poem--Shanama--on display--

23 Economics Nobel Laureates call Harris' plan vastly superior to trump's.

Flags of Our Fathers--excellent movie--

I bought the book, then read only a few pages and packed it in a box, as I thought I was moving,but that did not happen.
I always drive past the Iwo Jima Memorial by the Tidal Basin on my way to and from the airport.
The WWII train stations, clothes etc are very well done--beautiful photography.
Muted color palette. Kyi May Kaung 10-23-2024

Article on Daw Than E Fend

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Special post--writing a novel in war-torn Ukraine--

I remember the 74 year old dancer, who complained about the floor surface in my literary salon,
another friend, gay, who went to Afghanistan to make monoprints on the scene--writing the captions in mirror script--
why had he not just taken photos? Monoprints take a long time--
I'll never complain again.
Anyone can write anywhere--in prison, in your head, in bed, sitting on the toilet.
Kyi May Kaung
A Beekeeper and His Bees Go on a Road Trip Across War-Torn Eastern Ukraine - Electric Literature

Long preview--Jeff VanderMeer--The Strange Bird

new Nat Geo museum

Hollywood real life dramas--
Well--who really cares? It's a small dating pool among multi-m $$ millionaires.

How Jeff Vandermeer wrote his latest book--

Mrs. Aye Hlaing--obit now at all time max of 85 blog hits--

Monday, October 21, 2024

Famous Burmese physician Col. Min Sein said, "after age--it's good to add a pound a year to smooth out the wrinkles" BUT

the Burmese generals and cronies are entirely too fat.

The scariest is stapling the stomach--I would never do that--so dangerous.

Chinese C-drama--rom com dubbed in English--Diamond Lover--fat girl to beautiful woman--
Now if so much weight is lost--plastic surgery is necessary to remove the "excess skin"--but with clothes on it might not be noticeable--
In this movie the weight was lost by diet alone--but it's a movie.

Aung San Suu Kyi wiki--

Not unless it was something like a cleft palate or burn scars or gun shot wounds to the face that required major correction.

Plastic surgery risks
I would not do it for anyone--nor for 2 b $$$ or more.
What for????

QE II--not the ship--classic example of aging well--

And of course our very own Beautiful, Brilliant Lady--Strange Collection of Clear Victories--who they are trying to starve to death--

Michelle Obama--images-- a stronger personality and perfect taste--also very well educated.

Jackie's clothes--images
She was in fact flat-chested, very much so, but Halston created The Jackie Look.
My personal favorite is Michelle Obama

Biden White House Tour--
Jill Biden needs better designed clothes--she's a beautiful woman but needs a stylist.

Another one--Empire of the Sun--

Another great movie--Saving Private Ryan.

Great book +movie--Deliverance--

Memorable movies--The Shawshank Redemption--

movie--there will be blood--very good--Daniel Day Lewis, son of CS Lewis (Narnia Chronicles)

Cinnamon Raisin Bread--recipe--,vid:4TeTs89-VJw,st:0

Important post--Sean Turnell--new book "Best Laid Plans."

Humor--Groom kicks his mother out of wedding when she--

Shrimp and Grits and other wonderful recipes--

Vargas LLosa--Feast of the Goat--novel--based on Trujillo

Daniel Craig movie from 2008--Defiance--based on true story

efiance (2008 film)
Defiance Movie from Defiance is a 2008 American war film directed by Edward Zwick, and starring Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski, Liev Schreiber as Zus Bielski, Jamie Bell as ...
Defiance (2008)
IMDb · ockquote> › title Defiance Movie from Jewish brothers in German-occupied Eastern Europe escape into a Belorussian forest, where they join Russian resistance fighters, and endeavor to build a ... 7.1/10 (157,062)

Wow--Mrs. Aye Hlaing obit on this blog has 71 blog hits so far.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Not a very good movie--male character very unpleasant--confusing--,vid:-YpSaop06ko,st:0

Rom com with a Korean idol--character

Funny start--Rom com--Korean boy band--when a boy band founder just fell off a balcony and died--

Town and Country articles--Kennedys--untimately, not very happy people--if rich

Ethel Kennedy Memorial Service--

This year's Nobel in Ecos.

"Rangoon,if you can forget the political setting, is a beautiful place," From past--Interview of me by Wendy Steginsky--
It was previously called Wild River Review.

"Pudding Face" soe thane--junta minister, shows true colors--

So far--Mrs Aye Hlaing post has received record # of views on this blog.

John Shor's books--

I have not read this one--but other Indian novels about Aurangzeb and Shah Jahan were excellent.

The Woman who raised the Buddha--Royal Stepother Gotami¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1

The Swordsman--Korean movie--

Amrapali--married to the entire Republic

Amrapali has been the subject of various books, including Vaishali Ki Nagarvadhu, a 1948 Hindi novel by Acharya Chatursen, and Ambapali, a 1962 novel by Vimala Raina. A recent work in English, The Legend of Amrapali: An Enchanting Saga Buried Within the Sands of Time, was completed by author Anurag Anand in 2012.
mrapali - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Amrapali

Darling--Fear the Flames --77 page review--I'm rather tired of dragons--

Dante Alighieri--from wiki

Dante did not pay the fine, in part because he believed he was not guilty and in part because all his assets in Florence had been seized by the Black Guelphs. He was condemned to perpetual exile; if he had returned to Florence without paying the fine, he could have been burned at the stake. (In June 2008, nearly seven centuries after his death, the city council of Florence passed a motion rescinding Dante's sentence.)[47] In 1306–07, Dante was a guest of Moroello Malaspina [it] in the region of Lunigiana.[48]

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Anti--rom com--isn't it romantic?

Penguin Feature--Dante's Nine Layers of Hell--revisited.

Crimea--lions kill zookeeper--

Penguin Random House--new sci fi

So sad--boy band member Liam Payne dies in fall from hotel balcony--Argentina--

Sagaing Resistance drones attack Soe Win, deputy junta chief + previous attacks.

Albrecht Durer's artwork!#filterName:all-paintings-chronologically,resultType:masonry

Very much in advance of his times--Victor Hugo's drawings--

Victor Hugo's drawings

Renowned photojournalist stabbed to death by son--so sad.

Moments--Mrs. Aye Hlaing, 108, died peacefully in her sleep at her home in Rangoon. U Aye Hlaing (Dr. Aye Hlaing)

was one of my renowned Economics professors.
He founded the Institute of Economics.
He was successively Head of the Department of Economics
Professor of Economics.
Rector of the Institute of Economics
and then Chairman of the Union Bank of Burma.
I last saw him before I left for a Fulbright Fellowship in the early 1980s.
Mrs. Aye Hlaing was a graduate of Judson College and she and my mother were classmates, but I didn't know that until about 10 years ago.
They studied under JR Andrus.
You can see many tribute essays to several Burmese economists in Let it Fly with the Flowers, a collection which I edited.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

My new love--Google Books--here is VC Scott O'Connor's Mandalay and Other Cities--494 pages--
Send me some Burmese foods or Burmese woven textiles as a thank you gift.

Wow--sighting of VC Scott O'Connor

Vincent Clarence Scott O'Connor, who had a career in the Indian Civil Service, travelled extensively in the Cyclades in 1929: in his book Isles of the Aegean (published by Hutchinson) he described his meetings with families of Venetian descent living on Santorino:
I was looking for Santorino as a surname for a character I am creating.
It's an island.
VC Scott O'Connor wrote--

Greg Constantine's masterpiece--Ek Khaale--Rohingya Visual History--
This is a complete visual history of the Rohingya in Burma from the 18th century onwards.
It's heart-breaking, the planned annihilation of a complete people and civilization--not unlike the genocide against the Native-Americans or the holocaust against the European Jews.
Greg Constantine did a presentation at the Holocaust Museum in DC. but I was not able to go. My health problems were increasing.
This website is
1. visual, documentary evidence that U Nu's government made them full citizens of newly independent Burma.
. It is like at least a well-researched MA thesis, more probably a Ph.D. dissertation.
3. Constantine should receive an honorary doctorate.
4.I don't think the Mathieson review is quite fair--look at what he did do, not at what he has not done (covered Muslim women's lives.)
5. If ever an independent state for the Rohingya is created, like Isreal (not likely)--this could be evidence in a court case like Nuremberg.
It feels like I felt when I visited Auschwitz and Majdanek in Poland in 1968-69.
6. I don't know who has the original documents--maybe Constantine only took pictures.
One of the most moving images is a video of a hand sifting through burned documents.
I wish Constantine brought those out of Arakan with him and they are in his safe deposit box.
Lastly, I think we should apprecaite what one individual can do, probably on a shoe-string budget.
Thank you.
Kyi May Kaung

From Irrawaddy--China preparing to welcome m a h--
Most likely the Russian and Chinese goats' balls will have his chain yanked severely.
I don't know about m a h--who seems to have more assets in Moscow--but previous guy Than Shwe is rumored to have a lot of property in Shanghai--his infamous Daughter of the Diamonds and her husband managing those properties.
Stay tuned.
Maybe China's plan is to make it another Tibet.
So very sad for the Burmese people.

My Rohingya Activists' Handbook --+ other publications --
Muslims were in Burma since the 11th century so all the junta propaganda that they are "Bengali" and came in from "Bengal" is hogwash.
The borders were drawn through them.
Their language is not the same as Bengali.

Myanmar junta allied Border Guard Force--falls in rare earth mining hub--

Important post--David Scott Mathieson's review of Greg Constantine Project Ek Khaale--
Ek Khaale (Once Upon A Time) by Greg Constantine Visual Restoration Project/Multimedia Project, 2024 []
Image from Saachi Online Art Gallery.

Irrawaddy cartoon--building a modern and developed myanmar.

US Exchange Programs--mine was a Fulbright and I had a full scholarship for 7 years till 1988. I and only 5 others were selected after a battery of subject matter and health tests. Make sure your English is good.

Myanmar US Embassy--Education/Culture

Might be useful for you or someone you know--keep in your files and Little Red Book. I don't know if they are still operational--check first.

AI Overview Learn more…
The U.S. Embassy in Burma offers a variety of cultural and educational programs, including: A
merican Center Yangon: Offers English language courses, a library, and special events
Jefferson Center Mandalay: Offers English language courses, civic education programs, and youth clubs
Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSIs) for Scholars: A scholarship program with an application deadline of October 18, 2024
ducationUSA: Offers free advising services for students interested in studying in the United States
The Cultural Affairs Unit of the U.S. Embassy in Burma can be contacted at 01-7536509/ 01-7505113 Ext: 4377/4597, or by email at

Worldwide US travel advisory--including Burma/Myanmar

Monday, October 14, 2024

Excerpt fromNIH report below--(Nixon visited China--Deng Reforms 1978)

The late 1970s were pivotal years for the history of modern China. The Cultural Revolution had encouraged attacks on Chinese experts and centres of research and learning, with few institutions (primarily military research ones) emerging unscathed. A period of stasis ended with the death of Mao Zedong in 1976, followed by the high-level strife of the Gang of Four, and finally the consolidation of power under Deng Xiaoping. From the West's perspective, one visible sign of change was the new policies directed outwards from China to acquire foreign knowledge to assist in the four modernizations, the drive from 1978 to force progress in the areas of agriculture, industry, national defence, and science and technology. Re-established and new links with Western institutions enabled many thousands of Chinese scientists to travel and learn abroad. In combination with reform of the internal Chinese science system in the mid 1980s, this has led to a present situation in which, as a Royal Society report of 2011 predicted, China's buoyant research sector can compete with that in the USA, at least in terms of numbers of scientific papers published.1

1970s as springtime for science in China--NIH report

Joan Robinson came to Burma--I was too junior to talk to her--but my professor did.

AI Overview
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In the 1970s, the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU) was a group of British supporters of China that included the sinologist Joseph Needham and the economist Joan Robinson. The SACU was formed after many on the left in Britain became disillusioned with China after 1964.
The 1970s were a pivotal time in modern China's history, as the Cultural Revolution upended traditional Chinese values. The Cultural Revolution also led to attacks on Chinese experts.

American Russia experts--list

Edgar Snow--I read Red Star over China in Burma--


AI Overview Learn more… A cultural attaché is a diplomat who promotes cultural relations and understanding between their home country and the country they are stationed in. Their responsibilities can vary depending on the country they represent. Some of their duties include: Promoting cultural values Cultural attachés promote their country's cultural values and achievements in the host country. Improving appreciation of the host country Cultural attachés work to improve appreciation of the host country's values in their home country. Establishing ties Cultural attachés build and maintain ties with people who are involved in intellectual activity in the host country. Facilitating cultural exchange
Cultural attachés may facilitate cultural exchange by connecting people from their home country with the local community.
Historically, cultural attachés were often writers and artists who were able to develop their own creative work while promoting their country's culture.
Cultural attaché - Wikipedia
cultural attaché is a diplomat with varying responsibilities, depending on the sending state of the attaché. Historically, such ...
ultural Attaché Program | Grinnell College
The Cultural Attaché Program helps connect international Grinnellians with the local Grinnell community through its local schools ...
Grinnell College
Cultural Attache: Scholar, Propagandist, or Bureaucrat?
Cultural Attache: Scholar, Propagandist, or Bureaucrat? 353. kind of people who are serving as their country's cultural repre sent...
Duke University Press
how all
Generative AI is experimental.

best beloved=最亲爱的 Zuì qīn'ài de

Hero of my current novel is not Chinese --but stationed in China--British Cultural attache--

Chinese terms of endearment--

AI Overview
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The Chinese word for "beloved" is 心爱的 (xīn'ài de) as an adjective, and 心爱的人
(xīn'ài de rén) as a noun.
Here are some other terms of endearment in Chinese:
心肝 (xīngān): Literally means "heart and liver", but is similar to "my heart and soul" in English. It's used to express that you can't live without someone.
心尖 (Xīnjiān): Means "heart's peak" or "dearest".
宝贝儿 (Bǎobèi er): Means "baby" or "darling".
甜心宝贝 (Tiánxīn bǎobèi): Means "sweetheart baby" or "sweetheart treasure".

Chinese boys' names beginning with D--

Very cute--Chinese boys' first names--

Chinese name Fang--meaning--

The name Fang, derived from Chinese origins, has a rich history spanning centuries. In Chinese culture, Fang carries two distinct meanings, namely fragrance and a canine tooth. These diverse interpretations reflect the multifaceted nature of the name and offer insight into its historical significance.
Fang : Meaning and Origin of First Name - Ancestry

Chris Patten--Last British Governor of Hong Kong--

Christopher Francis Patten, Baron Patten of Barnes, KG, CH, PC (Chinese: 彭定康; born 12 May 1944), is a British politician who was the 28th and last Governor of Hong Kong from 1992 to 1997 and Chairman of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1992.
Chris Patten - Wikipedia

Qin Empire--ep 21 land reforms

Qin Empire TV series --wiki

Sahara flooded for first time in decades--

I'm sick and tired of people who don't want to hear Burma news, or any news. Maybe just overwhelmed by personal problems. But in long run, not knowing, not thinking is worse than knowing and acting--

It's up to you, to read and inform yourselves--don't blame me if you are hit by a bomb or something else while meditating.

Irrawaddy--today--Pinlebu victory for Resistance--Hsipaw etc

famous translators from Russian

AI Overview
Learn more…
Some famous translators of Russian novels include: C
onstance Garnett
A pioneer in Russian translation, Garnett's work introduced many readers to the characters of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and Chekhov. Her translations are still reprinted today, though some critics have called them outdated.
Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky T
his couple are known for their collaborative translations of Russian literature,
including Anna Karenina by Tolstoy and The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky. They
have won multiple awards for their work, including the PEN/Book-of-the-Month Club
Translation Prize.
Frederick Whishaw
The first translator of Dostoevsky into English, Whishaw completed his translation of Crime and Punishment in 1911.
Other translators of Russian novels include: Moura Budberg, Vera Traill, Evelyn Manning, and Margaret Wettlin.

Junta preparing to take back Lashio

Writing prompt for my next chapter--The morning of 7th July was bright and cheerful, in Rangoon, 1962.

Nway and her sister Yway did nothing much until it came time to go to their French class at Alliance Francaise next door to the Indian Embassy on Prome Road, which itself was next door to Aunty Anouk and Uncle Shawn's house.
On Adam's part, he was caught up in the excitement generated by Ba Swe Lay's anger and outrage against the junta authoities who were making things hard for the university hostel students.
Ba Swe Lay was head of the Rangoon University Students' Union.
How are we going to eat? He asked of the curfew. The vendors are not allowed to come in--
Hunger was making them angrier.
Copyright K.M.Kaung

Haruki Murakami's books--I couldn't possibly read them all--but I like some of his short stories--and the non-fiction

about the subway poison gas attack--based on dozens of interviews he did.
In a speculative fiction group I attended for awhile, another woman compared my writing to Murakami.
I think you need to be strange, to write well.
Better go take a shower.

I prefer this one--Kitchen--by Banana Yoshimoto--
It has a sparkling, bright quality.
And I've never met anyone named "Banana" before.
Generally I like reading about Asians, rather than "white people."

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Lily King--Writers and Lovers--working in a resturant near Harvard Yard--Nice writing--

Flow painting tutorial--,vid:htYDnj1RVNo,st:127

Bon Appetit--magazine

Alan Lichtman says Harris will win--
I met this guy at a Village talk about 3? elections ago--he's aged a lot, as has Katie Couric.
But don't be complacent about these things.
I've already sent in my absentee ballot.
Trump must not win.
Whichever country you are a citizen of, vote if you can, if not DO SOMETHING and/or support those who do.
The worst thing you can do is sink into your religion, whatever your religion is.

What is Coachella--


Prominant protest leaders arrested in Thaketa (Yangon)

Persepolis, Persia--in present-day Iran.

Thais (a courtesan) and Persepolis--which Alexander the Great burned.

Han Kang--Human Acts

Han Kang--The White Book--

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Qin Empire--ep 20--Reforms --a mass execution.

The Atlantic--The Moment of Truth--

The Guardian on Nobel Laureate Han Kang

What they are wearing--Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce--they shld just get married.

Burmese-Americans demonstrate in front of Chinese embassy DC + Washington Post-junta uses drones
No one informed me so I did not know about it. end

AI generated answers--Women's health--

AI Overview
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While technically possible, it is extremely unlikely for a 55-year-old woman to become pregnant and have a healthy baby naturally after taking HRT, as menopause usually occurs around this age, meaning ovulation and fertility are significantly diminished; if pregnancy does occur, it would likely require assisted reproductive technology (ART) like IVF using donor eggs, and would come with high risks due to advanced maternal age.
Key points to remember:
HRT does not act as contraception:
Even while on HRT, a woman can still potentially become pregnant, so contraception is still advised if pregnancy is not desired.
Fertility decline with age:
At 55, a woman's natural fertility is very low due to declining egg quality and quantity. Donor eggs for IVF: If a woman wants to conceive after menopause, she would typically need to use donor eggs through IVF.
Increased risks with advanced maternal age: Pregnancy at an advanced age comes with increased risks of complications like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and chromosomal abnormalities.
Important next steps:
Consult a healthcare professional:
If you are considering pregnancy at 55, have a thorough discussion with your doctor to assess your individual health and risks involved.
Discuss fertility options:
If you want to pursue pregnancy, a fertility specialist can advise on the most appropriate options like IVF with donor eggs.
Can a person get pregnant while taking HRT? Nov 7, 2023 — Summary. It is possible to become pregnant while taking HRT because it does not affect fertility and does not work as a...
Advanced maternal age: ethical and medical considerations for ... Aug 16, 2017 — Non-donor oocyte studies ... To minimize maternal health risks, thorough evaluation of maternal health should be evalu...
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) Can You Get Pregnant After Menopause? - Healthline If it's been an entire year since your last period, you've reached menopause. For most women, this occurs somewhere between the ag... Healthline
Show all
This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a professional. Generative AI is experimental.

Sad--Hurricane Helene--11 members of same family die in mudslide--RIP
Van Gogh--flowers in a jug.

Wonderful news--S. Korean novelist Han Kang wins Nobel Prize in Literature
and she's a woman writing
in a man's voice. I've actually read the first part of this novel before, but this Google Books review is longer--
It's very gripping and well-written, though it's a literary novel--not a genre romance, thriller or mystery.
A woman who suddenly becomes a vegetarian.
It's quite unforgettable--like the beginning of Mo Yan's Red Sorghum.
have to read the whole as soon as I get myself a reasonably-priced used copy.

Friday, October 11, 2024

If you keep bombing them and spoiling the environment, floods happen, farm animals die, farmers and workers die and flee--where will your rice come from. Try and eat a tank or bullets.

Beheaded human being--Burma--Sagaing--from Irrawaddy
Sorry to have to post this--but it's real news, not fake.

Mao's Great Leap Forward which fell flat on its face--15-55m died--

Qin Empire--ep 17--reforms--more like Deng Xiaoping's reforms of 1978 which reversed Mao's policies.

Lasting health negative impact of Hurricane Milton--warnings--boil water--try and follow in Myanmar etc floods, this will be difficult with fuel shortages--

Guillermo del Toro--

James Cameron wiki--a wonderful life, starting as truck driver and writer--well--continuing writing.
5 wives, 4 children
philanthropist--writes (mostly) directs and produces his own movies
New Zealand citizen.
explorer-including Nat Geo Explorer in Residence--
I previously just met photographer Reza, who like Orpheus and his harp,permanently holds his camera in his hand.
Don't confuse James Cameron with Cameron McKintosh. 10-11-2024

From Titanic movie wiki--copied and pasted.

The story could not have been written better had it been fiction ...The juxtaposition of rich and poor, the gender roles played out unto death (women first), the stoicism and nobility of a bygone age, the magnificence of the great ship matched in scale only by the folly of the men who drove her hell-bent through the darkness. And above all the lesson: that life is uncertain, the future unknowable ... the unthinkable possible. —James Cameron[53][54]
James Cameron has long had a fascination with shipwrecks, and for him Titanic was "the Mount Everest of shipwrecks".[55][56][57] He was almost past the point in his life when he felt he could consider an undersea expedition, but said he still had "a mental restlessness" to live the life he had turned away from when he switched from the sciences to the arts in college. When an IMAX film, Titanica, was made from footage shot of the Titanic wreck, Cameron decided to seek Hollywood funding for his own expedition. It was "not because I particularly wanted to make the movie," Cameron said. "I wanted to dive to the shipwreck."[55]
Cameron wrote a scriptment for a Titanic film,[58] met with 20th Century Fox executives including Peter Chernin, and pitched it as "Romeo and Juliet on the Titanic".[56][57] Cameron said the executives were unconvinced of the commercial potential, and had instead hoped for action scenes similar to his previous films.[13] They approved the project as they hoped for a long-term relationship with Cameron.[13][14][24]
Cameron convinced 20th Century Fox to promote the film based on the publicity afforded by shooting the Titanic wreck,[58] and organized several dives over a period of two years.[53] He also convinced 20th Century Fox that shooting the real wreck for the film scenes, instead of simulating it with special effects, would provide value: "We can either do [the shots] with elaborate models and motion control shots and CG and all that, which will cost X amount of money – or we can spend X plus 30 per cent and actually go shoot it at the real wreck."[56]
The crew shot at the wreck in the Atlantic Ocean 12 times in 1995. The work was risky, as the water pressure could kill the crew if there were a tiny flaw in the submersible structure.[14]

Titanic wikipedia--

Lusitania Resource Website

In my opinion it is already a proxy war of words, and a proxy war with Russian and Chinese weapons.

I was just reading Eric Larsen's Dead Wake: Last Crossing of the Lusitania. Less well-known than the Titanic, the luxury liner Lusitania was sunk by a German U-Boat--in 2015 and drew the USA into World War I.

Anthony Blinkin will be at ASEAN--today.

Toothless, fangless ASEAN.

In June 2023, following a visit to the country and meeting with junta chief Min Aung Hlaing, former Thai Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai also hosted an informal ministerial meeting with some regional countries in an attempt “to fully re-engage” with the Myanmar junta’s generals.
But the meeting was shunned by then-ASEAN chair Indonesia as well as members Singapore and Malaysia.
n Thursday, Southeast Asian leaders dismissed the Myanmar junta’s plan to end the country’s civil war as “substantially inadequate”, according to a draft summit statement quoted by AFP.
The junta agreed on the five-point plan with ASEAN weeks after seizing power in February 2021 but then pushed ahead with a bloody crackdown on dissent. ASEAN has led so far fruitless diplomatic efforts to end the conflict.

MNDAA bans members from international talks.
As Jack Healey, who pioneered concerts at Amnesty International once said, "Dissidents (or resistance) often end up aping the behavior of the entity they are fighting."
At an event in c. 2000 he said of the junta "like the IRA does, they should have their knee caps broken."

Asean and Myanmar--

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.