Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Greg Constantine's masterpiece--Ek Khaale--Rohingya Visual History--

This is a complete visual history of the Rohingya in Burma from the 18th century onwards.
It's heart-breaking, the planned annihilation of a complete people and civilization--not unlike the genocide against the Native-Americans or the holocaust against the European Jews.
Greg Constantine did a presentation at the Holocaust Museum in DC. but I was not able to go. My health problems were increasing.
This website is
1. visual, documentary evidence that U Nu's government made them full citizens of newly independent Burma.
. It is like at least a well-researched MA thesis, more probably a Ph.D. dissertation.
3. Constantine should receive an honorary doctorate.
4.I don't think the Mathieson review is quite fair--look at what he did do, not at what he has not done (covered Muslim women's lives.)
5. If ever an independent state for the Rohingya is created, like Isreal (not likely)--this could be evidence in a court case like Nuremberg.
It feels like I felt when I visited Auschwitz and Majdanek in Poland in 1968-69.
6. I don't know who has the original documents--maybe Constantine only took pictures.
One of the most moving images is a video of a hand sifting through burned documents.
I wish Constantine brought those out of Arakan with him and they are in his safe deposit box.
Lastly, I think we should apprecaite what one individual can do, probably on a shoe-string budget.
Thank you.
Kyi May Kaung

My new love--Google Books--here is VC Scott O'Connor's Mandalay and Other Cities--494 pages--

https://www.google.com/books/edition/Mandalay_and_Other_Cities_of_the_Past_in/A5tEAQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0 Send me some Burmese foods or ...