Wednesday, October 09, 2024

The First Political Scientist--

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Chanakya served as a chief advisor and counselor to King Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the Mauryan Empire in ancient India; he played a key role in helping Chandragupta rise to power and establish the empire.
Key points about Chanakya:
He acted as a prime minister and political strategist, providing guidance on governance and military strategy.
Famous text:
Chanakya is credited with writing the "Arthashastra," a treatise on statecraft and political economy that is considered one of the most influential texts in Indian history.
Impact on the Mauryan Empire:
His counsel is largely credited with helping Chandragupta overthrow the Nanda dynasty and establish a strong centralized government.

My new love--Google Books--here is VC Scott O'Connor's Mandalay and Other Cities--494 pages-- Send me some Burmese foods or ...