Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Irrawaddy analysis of ICC's not yet issued arrest warrant for m a h and NUG Defense Minister's call for Ministers to tighten focus on relief.
English subtitles.
Personally, it does not look good.
m a h has called in China--he may go to another country (to show he can)--say Ko Aung Zaw and his co-anchor--like Ne Win going to Cambodia's Khmer Rouge--very interesting historical photos of Ne Win and U Nu that I have never seen before.
Congratulating Irrawaddy.
I don't think NUG may "go home"--that is to the Liberated Areas under Resistance Control--but maybe they should.
There was a tragic end to Navalny going back to Russia.
Under new drumpf admin starting soon--"all Myanmar can hope for is benign neglect"--says another Irrawaddy opinion piece, but I don't think neglect is "benign" ever.
Junta is chipping away at NLD leadershiip in prison, through malign neglect and direct executions, torture.
Daw Suu is probably suffering from severe malnutrition.
Under drunpf, Ukraine is also in a precarious situation.
Note--Zelensky is the role model here--he stayed in his country, he's a one-man liason and PR person with the West.
There are interesting times ahead.

I'm going to wear nothing but patchwork jackets made from my own and my mother's old clothes from 1950s-1990s.

And I only have one pair each summer sandals and winter shoes. Famous artist Georgia O'Keefe wore white clothes in summer and black in ...