Sunday, December 15, 2024

Karen/Kayin people's names--

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The Karen people do not have surnames, and instead use honorifics and kinship terms to address each other:
For example, "Saw" is placed before the names of Skaw Karen men, and "Naw" is placed before the names of Skaw Karen women.
Kinship terms
For example, "Poo" is for grandfather, "Pee" is for grandmother, "Tee" is for uncle, "Moogar" is for aunt, "Par" is for father, "Mo" is for mother, "Jaw" is for older brother, "Noh" is for sister, "Day Kwar" is for younger brother, "Day" is for younger sister, "Po doh Kwar" is for nephew, "Po doh Moo" is for niece, "Po Kwar" is for son, "Po Moo" is for daughter, "Le Kwar" is for grandson, and "Le Moo" is for granddaughter.
The Karen naming system can be confusing for people in the United States, where people are identified by last names. When Karen refugees arrive in the United States, their names are sometimes broken up by syllable, with the final part serving as the last name.
Language & Customs - Karen Organization of Minnesota
Traditionally, Karen people do not have surnames, which may cause confusion. Instead, terms of kinship are generally used to addre...
Karen Organization of Minnesota
Karen Culture Presentation •Introduction - Ramsey County Name. • Karen people traditionally have only one name; they do not. have last names. Women do not change their name when they marr... Ramsey County Karen - EthnoMed
The Karen are addressed by given names. Traditionally, they do not have family names. This causes confusion with the system in the...
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