Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Answer to Did Hsinbyushin go to Ayutthaya himself or did he just send troops?

AI Overview Learn more https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/acwfanon/images/7/74/%E4%B8%8B%E8%BC%89_%2815%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20230527151445 Yes, Hsinbyushin, the third king of the Burmese Konbaung dynasty, led his armies to Ayutthaya in 1767, reducing it to ruins. The siege of Ayutthaya was part of the Burmese–Siamese War (1765–1767). Explanation Hsinbyushin was determined to conquer Ayutthaya, which his father, King Alaungpaya, had been unable to do. Hsinbyushin's armies reached the outskirts of Ayutthaya in January 1766 and laid siege. In 1767, the Burmese army burned the city to the ground, forcing the inhabitants to flee. The king, members of the royal family, and thousands of captives were deported to Burma. All Ayutthayan records were burned and its works of art destroyed. The city was never rebuilt in the same location and is now an archaeological site. The Burmese–Siamese War was a continuation of the war of 1759–1760, which was fought over the control of the Tenasserim coast and its trade. Burmese–Siamese War (1765–1767) - Wikipedia Cause of the war. At his ascension in 1764, the new Burmese king Hsinbyushin was determined to accomplish the unfinished mission o... Wikipedia Siege of Ayutthaya (1766–1767) - Wikipedia The siege of Ayutthaya in 1766–1767, also known as the Fall of Ayutthaya and Sack of Ayutthaya, was a part of the Burmese–Siamese ...
Hsinbyushin | Burmese ruler, Mon dynasty - Britannica
Jan 1, 2025 — In 1764 Hsinbyushin, third king of the dynasty, restored order and renewed the conquest of Ayutthaya, which he reduced ... Britannica
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During the Burmese invasion of Siam in 1765, King Hsinbyushin had sent his armies into Siam in pincer movement attacks to converge on Ayutthaya through two routes; A Tavoy column under Maha Nawrahta with 20,000 men, leaving Ava in December 1764 and stationing at Tavoy on the Tenasserim coast.
Siege of Ayutthaya (1766–1767) - Wikipedia Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org About featured snippets • Feedback
Hsinbyushin Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org His 1765 invasion of Ayutthaya brought an end to the Ayutthaya Kingdom. The near simultaneous victories over Qing and Siam has been referred to as testimony "to ...

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