Tuesday, February 25, 2025

People sell off stock in any company if they 1. lose confidence 2. think price has maxed out 3. think stock will fall further 4 .don't like the CEO.

I doubt anyone reading this has stock--but you can vote with your feet, again "walking out" if you are a millionaire, or "voting with your mouse or your mouth"
or moving from red state to blue state
or staying in place and trying to change system from within.
In any case, as I advised in Jan.--tighten your belt, reduce impulse buying and/or big ticket items--go into "Burmese" survival mode.
The Resistance against trump/musk is just beginning.
Find fellow democrats or unhappy republicans wherever you are.
Men like them make many enemies.
Watch movie The Last Days of Hitler--also book by Hugh Trevor Roper
also real footage of last days/hours of Ceausescu.

Rachel Maddow is going to lose most of her staff--
