Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Robin Gibb's funeral--classiest life ever--

James Michener wrote that after a near miss in a plane accident close to the end of WWII--he decided he'd live life--"like a great man."
I was very fortunate to see Allen Ginsberg read at Annenberg center in the 1990s. The house manager got me in. I was wearing my house manager's uniform with Penn tie.
I asked him which was his best poem and he said,"Kaddish"--definitely Kaddish. I still have his signature in an anthology as I didn't have a separate volume of Kaddish.
In 1997 my first trip to Conference on International Affairs in Boulder, CO., got me to Allen Ginsberg's funeral service at Naropa Institute. He was a Buddhist.
My Boulder hostess, not Mrs.Sargent took me there.
A recording of him reading his poetry was read and a photo of him ceremonially burned.
It was very moving.