Saturday, September 29, 2007

Japanese photojournalist Kenji Nagai -- killed in Rangoon, Thursday

At first, the Burmese junta said he was hit by a stray bullet, but video frames obtained by the Oslo based Democratic Voice of Burma showed a soldier throwing him to the ground and shooting him point blank. A loud shot was heard on the video tape as he was flung backwards and fell on his back.

A Japanese embassy physician ascertained that a bullet entered Nagai's chest, traveled through his heart and exited via his back.

Nagai is pronounced "Nar Gi Yee" -- Gi rhyming with "I"

Earlier reports said he "died later" and was still alive in first video frame which shows his right arm up still holding a camera. It was not certain where his remains were, or what happened to his camera.

Read more about his life, work and family:

For we are all human -- Please send Metta (Loving Kindness) for all who died in Burma and those still suffering.

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