[Dcpaw] Poets Against Torture to Read at American University on November 10.
Thank you for supporting this amazing event, cosponsored by DC Poets Against the War and American University. Please forward this invitation and post it to blogs.
Huge thanks to DC PAW members Rose Berger and Joe Ross for coordinating the event and editing the spectacular accompanying book.
In peace,
Sarah Browning
D.C. Poets Against the War and the American University Museum announce the publication of
Cut Loose the Body: An anthology of poems on torture and Fernando Botero’s Abu Ghraib paintings
Edited by Rose Marie Berger and Joseph Ross, with an introduction by Sister Dianna Ortiz
Saturday, November 10, 2007, from 7-8:30 p.m
at the American University Museum (at the Katzen Arts Center on Massachusetts and Nebraska Avenues, entrance just north of Ward Circle ).
A reception will begin at 6 p.m. and a booksigning will follow the reading.
Join us for a reading from Cut Loose the Body with nationally recognized “poets of witness”—including Iraqi poet Sinan Antoon (Baghdad Blues), Brooklyn ’s D. Nurkse (Burnt Island), Myra Sklarew (The Witness Trees), E. Ethelbert Miller (How We Sleep on the Nights We Don't Make Love), Consuelo Hernández (Poemas de Escombros y Cenizas), Kyle Dargan (Bouquet of Hungers), and more. The reading will be held in the gallery where the Botero exhibit is on display.
Cut Loose the Body includes poems by Pulitzer prize winner Maxine Kumin, Guggenheim Fellow Martín Espada (The Republic of Poetry), Pushcart winner Naomi Shihab Nye, and prisoners’ poems from Guantanamo .
For more information, contact the American University Museum (202-885-1300) or Rose Berger (202-745-4619; rberger@sojo.net).
SAVE THE DATE: Split This Rock Poetry Festival, March 20-23, 2008, calls poets to a greater role in public life and fosters a national community of activist poets. Building the audience for poetry of provocation and witness from the nation’s capital, we celebrate poetic diversity and the transformative power of the imagination. Featured poets will include: Jimmy Santiago Baca, Lucille Clifton, Joy Harjo, Martín Espada, Galway Kinnell, Mark Doty, E. Ethelbert Miller, Naomi Shihab Nye, and Alix Olson.
Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
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