Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Quote of the Day: On the Burmese generals --

Burmese curtain/kalaga/tapestry detail -- Sarah Bekker Collection, Burma Studies Center, DeKalb, IL. Photo with permission by Kyi May Kaung. Note: These old kalaga, this one approximately more than a 100 years old, are more charming, more subtle with color and artistically excellent. Many present day kalaga produced (some in Thailand) for tourists, are over stuffed and vulgar looking.


Comment which follows is apparently on the stick and carrot approach, to pressure and entice the military junta to change, which is being recuscitated again in international (academic?) circles.

"Recognise that the generals are not children to be coaxed to do the right thing nor are they adolescents who have committed their first offence and need to be offered an incentive to reform; they are hardened criminals who do not have any consideration for other people's points of view. They are without any human decency."

Trump admin being sued over Signal leak--