Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Good Comments on Hoped for Burmese Process --To Meaningful Dialogue and/or True Democratization.

To the junta:

Don't give us your sham constitution "the National Convention," abandon your so-called road map to disciplined democracy (disciplined! yikes!!!) --

stop calling for new elections when the results of the 1990 elections have not been honored.

Quote of the day from a long time Burma activist -- about new elections.

"Before, in 1990, the junta did not know to steal votes."

(It thought it would win, based on a poll government officials conducted.)

"But this time it will know it has to cheat."

So -- don't play in their court. Don't allow talk of new elections.

In the article linked above, Dr. Zarni of Oxford University defines what "breakthrough" could mean: The start of Dialogue or a power-sharing arrangement.

Of course, the ideal is meaningful dialogue with benchmarks leading to a Transitional Government and to a power sharing arrangement with the NLD.

Look to the S. African case again.

Kyi May Kaung Oct 31, 2007

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