Sunday, December 16, 2007

Creating Artificial Scarcity in Burma --

"Diesel Fuel for Life" ad. in an American airport --photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

The so-called Saffron Revolution began in August 07 due to fuel price hikes by the Burmese government. A naive blogger wrote "I hope they removed the price hikes."

Here is an example of how the generals create artificial scarcity -- in a system gone bonkers:

This is what the Burmese call -- ta lwe zapin kaun -- or

"Beautiful hair in the wrong place," i.e. in pubic area.

A member of the Burmese language broadcast media recently asked me by email -- "Which sectors should the Burmese economy give priority to?"

I declined that interview.

As it's the whole political-economic system that is upside down, due to the power holders making all the economic and other decisions, only a complete system change or systemic reforms, not piece meal measures, will make a difference.

Meanwhile the poor Burmese people continue to suffer while the regime and the crony capitalists get rich. That is why I have no time for junta apologists.

Copyright Kyi May Kaung

NBC Nightly News--3-25-2025