Friday, December 07, 2007

How to de-commercialize Christmas --

Vase of flowers with inedible berries -- Photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

Give to people who really need it, including Burmese refugees.

Here are some organizations that you can find on the Internet --

1. Burma Refugee Project -- run by a medical doctor and a social scientist -- they have a medical clinic on the Thai-Burma Border. The number of refugees increases as the Burmese junta grows more oppressive.

2. Association for the Assistance of Political Prisoners -- Burma -- (AAPPB) -- They send money to political prisoners in Burma, of whom there are between 2000 and 3000 at any time in Burma, and growing daily, through trusted channels and provide other strategic/logistical help. In Burma, you can be arrested for anything, including clapping during the recent demonstrations. The prisoners are spread all over the country in different jails and the families (already stressed) have to provide htaung win sar -- ("money to get into prison") -- of which the jailers take a large portion, to feed their son/daughter or other family member in detention.

3. Burma Border Consortium (BBC) -- Has been feeding Burmese refugees for the last 19 years. Recently suffered a funding cut. Are only able to provide basics such as rice and fish sauce.

4. Democratic Voice of Burma, radio and TV station broadcasting to Burma -- yesterday won prize from Reporters Without Borders for coverage of The Saffron Revolution. Only station which aired photographs of the demonstrations, taken by their Citizen Journalists, who risked their lives to do so, and are in hiding or were arrested. Oslo based, with staff on the Thai-Burma border.

5. -- a newsletter run from India and Thailand.

I am a board member of BRP and sometimes contribute articles to Mizzima ("Middle Earth") - and have been interviewed by DVB, but have no financial connection with any of these organizations.

Kyi May Kaung

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