Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Burma: Comment I left today on Irrawaddy site about "First NLD Election in a Decade" by Min Lwin.

Independence Monument, Washington DC, partially hidden by cherry blossoms,photo copyright Kyi May Kaung.

There already is a well articulated vision for Democratic Transition, being put together with the help of international scholars, NCGUB and NLD. This encompasses constitutional review, economic reform, money and banking, civil-Military relations, electoral law and system, stopping human rights abuses, freeing all political prisoners, etc.

See Ko Wild, Interview of U Bo Hla Tint of NCGUB in Mizzima.

I agree 2010 "election" is a clever trap set by SPDC.

Democracy side will be damned if it does(participate in 2010 election) and damned if it doesn't.

The international community should not treat 2010 as if it were real. It's a sham election, not real.

So far things have failed not because the Democracy Movement "has no vision" but because the military government has the guns and the oppressive mechanism.

Donors want to see dialog so groups talk dialog, but in this case it won't work unless junta really talks too. So far it has never done so.

Often it does not even see Mr. Gambari nor Mr Ban Ki-moon.

I wish people would stop blaming the victims. including NLD.

Have you no better idea or nothing better to do?

Comment text copyright Kyi May Kaung

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