Window cleaner hanging by a thread -- photo copyright Kyi May Kaung
re. article in Irrawaddy Oct 30, 2009, interview of Ambassador Hoffman.
It all depends on the SPDC now -- if they continue to play the game the way they have always done, window dressing while continuing to pound on everyone, post 2010 will be worse than before 2010.
So far the signs are not good, in spite of the sincerity of the western governments and the pro-democracy forces inside and outside.
West should take what internal NGOs say with a grain of salt. Too often I see the attitude "don't talk to us of faults of junta, just let us do our job on the ground."
The problem is micro-economic "solutions" won't change the macro system and it is system change that we need.
The ball is now in the Sr. General's court.
Let's see -- but he continues to pull wool over everyone eyes with talk of "industrialization" -- unfortunately with junta owned investment and companies and slave labor.
Very tiresome.
That said this is an excellent interview in both Qs and As.
Kyi May Kaung