Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dr. Kyi May Kaung's comments on 10 papers on Economics, presented at Naypyitaw, Burma - much vaunted "economic reforms".

Aung San Suu Kyi and her son Kim Aris reunited after many years. Photo, screen grab from Internet.

Is Suu Kyi being used big time?

It looks to me from a cursory skim through that the papers are advocating

- more ties with ASEAN, AEC
- better/more taxation
- industrialization
- dealing with corruption
-how to deal with international financial crisis through IMF/about IMF (U Myint)

However, all this is under pretense that it is "a government elected by the people" - one of the papers (in Burmese) explicitly states this blatant untruth upfront as if it were true.

None of papers deal with structural/systemic issues -

so nothing can be done about nepotism for instance when surely Thein Sein's and Than Shwe's relatives and others among junta cliques, are all involved, just like Gaddafi sons, "who were given country to loot"

so ultimately it is all "Show Business" as we Burmese say, and an exercise in futility.

No wonder Daw Suu looks serious and not so happy.

There is also concern that Daw Suu is separated from her usual phalanx of (unarmed) "bodyguards" and NLD supporters/loyalists.


I am sending my comment to others.

--- On Wed, 8/24/11, wrote:

Subject: Fwd: 10 papers of Nay Pyi Taw Workshop (U Myint, Dr Zaw Oo, Minister U Soe Thein, Daw Mya Thuzar, U Thein Zaw, U San Thein)

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.