Friday, September 27, 2013

In memorium -- Saffron Revolution monks 2007

On this day Sept 27, 2007, Buddhists monks chanting metta sutra in Burma peacefully, were beaten, shot and killed, and arrested.

Journalist Kenji Nagaii was shot point blank on the street and killed. 

His remains were crudely "post-mortemed" and his camera never returned.

The photographer who shot an image of the dying Nagaii still holding his video cam up, was awarded a prize by the US Newseum. 

Note, they are not the same monks, most of them, than the extremist nationalistic "buddhists" like 969 now in the news --

Try and avoid sweeping stereotypes, it does not become you. 

Read and find out the facts before you open your mouth.

BBC--Quake--how quakes happen etc--disturbing images.