Monday, March 31, 2014

Excerpt from my short story Koel Bird--

Here it comes, steel yourself.
Excerpt from my short story, Koel Bird.
Copyright Kyi May Kaung.

"Not knowing what to do with them, I drove to a storage facility and put them there.  (The steel designer knives, priced $99.99 and up.  This is the real price, I know as I bought one.)

Diana asked specifically to return to her mother. 
I didn’t put up a fight. 
She said she was going to divorce me. 
I asked why. 
All she said was, “Well.” 

I think it may well have been due to her dissatisfaction with our sex lives. 
Diana always was not happy with me in bed. 
She said I was a cold fish and she needed more warmth than that. 
When she was really angry, she said she only married me for the money, the house and the car. 
I said there were certain things I could do, but certain things I could not because of my culture and the way I was brought up, so to hell with it."

Copyright K.M.Kaung-- excerpt from Koel Bird.

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar