Monday, March 24, 2014

My poem, Fistfuls Handfuls using Khmer words --

Found poem, see below--for Seth Sor Mona Elessa all Khmer friends:

Fistfuls Handfuls.

Mix of English, Khmer and Burmese words--

Angka, the Organization--they took
kam handfuls fistfuls of our rice, our lives
from kamnaert birth the kamprear orphan
they thought for kamrai profit

the khama ni Khmer Rouge.

But no one can profit from human lives.

Look at Hitler, the SS, Herman Goring
look at how it all ends.
I've been to Auschwitz.

The warehouses full of women's hair
which were once on some woman's head
who was once loved by some man.  (This portion from a previous poem of mine)

kamlang power
they thought to kamjat eradicate
all trace of us  capitalists because
we wore glasses.  The Old People,
the New People.

In the eighties I only ever met
two Cambodians
they lived because
they happened to work
at the US Embassy and
the Americans got them out.
But their extended family--

And now
kamnal present gift
the gift of life
the gift of sunrays

All our labor kammokor
we were so kamsod

kamlang power
kamnal present gift.

Thank you, Seth Sor, this poem follows almost the exact order of your word list.
Khmer words, copyright Seth Sor.
Poem copyright Kyi May Kaung

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar