Sunday, February 07, 2016

Be careful on Internet--

You should not dress and make up your child like an adult, nor display photos of your children on public blogs.

Here is the reason why--Jon Benet Ramsey aged six, was murdered in her home in Colorado, in a rich community, and the murder has not been solved to this day.

Pl take heed.

The world is full of pedophiles and other wierdos who prey and find their victims on the Internet. One worked at UNICEF.

People are fishy if

1. you have say one--only one mutual friend with them on FB.
2. they put up an attractive photo, maybe of a stranger, maybe of them 20-30 years ago.
3. they have no posts and no interests.
4. they try to strike up a conversation with you, it is always, "Hello dear how are you."
5. they have things on their blogs, but they are racist or obscene.

Mute the conversation and unfriend or block them at once.

Here is Jon Benet wiki--

pl read it.


English actor Idris Elba-- I've read Beasts of No Nation--written in an invented patois from the point of view of a chil...