Sunday, February 21, 2016

Poem in honor of Ann Sexton

I should honor Ann Sexton
after all, all we woman should
after all, I only heard about her
while leafing through
a psychiatry journal in my student health
counselor's office waiting room.

Same counselor, MSW Master of Social Work, not able to write prescriptions for Prozac


advised me to enter
my first poetry competition

so I did

dropping five poems

into the tray in the English Department

under the big portrait poster

of Shakespeare

subsequently won

The William Carlos Williams Award

of the Academy of American Poets

Judge Dannie Abse

and my first $75, from poetry


thousands of $$$ worth of poetry trips

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Kalamazoo College
Univs of Toronto, Alberta
Helsinki, Berlin, Chiangmai, Bali
Boulder, CO.

two churches one bar
no two?

Lafayette Square near the White House

only very lightly hitched
to that dread dead anchor Burma.

It was Ann who wrote, of Cinderella

Oh, that story?

I said I would divorce my husband, and I did.

Of course, now you get to the point

where you don't really care

if anyone from your former life

is dead or alive

we all die anyway.

Only the children with their lives ahead of them really matter

only for them would I do an Intervention.

But before that
we can go on stage
or on air

and read
our own poetry dead or alive suicide

with our own rock band

immaculately turned out

in very preppy or bohemian clothes

it does not matter which.

It's called correlation and causality, and the two things are mighty different.

They didn't commit suicide because they were poets

they did so because life was unbearable and they were depressed

the mental health of that day was not good, still shock treatments

and no things

like serotonin re-uptake inhibitors

not discovered or invented yet

could be the Burmese monk, healing
madness with fragrant
ripe guavas

and sour plum soup in the summer

could be anything

but it was pain and trauma that caused them to write poetry

in a kind of self-medication and a self-therapy

like thousands of people now looking for themselves

on line.  One Like, one Like

if only you will grant me one Like.

Make us new Faces

oh, that story.

Kyi May Kaung
Photo tea cabinet
Photo shadows of fake roses


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