Saturday, December 03, 2016

Get ready to buy some books for your holiday reading--

At Roscoe's Pizerria
(a restaurant, not a pizza joint)

7040 Carroll Av.
Tacoma Park, MD
Dec 11- 2.30 PM to 5 PM
Kaung No Crib DSCN0277.JPG
my books best -4-1-2015 068.JPG

I will be with 29 other authors, selling my books, pl do come--

including my latest memoir A Time to Write, not just about Burma and my flower power calendar.

You may eat there at your own expense, and so will we.

Pl share on all your groups, Twitter, FB etc.


Kyi May Kaung
Words Sounds and Images

Myanmar junta leads tinpot dictatorships in (targetted) Internet shutdowns.