Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year--Chinese pilgrim Fa Hsien's account of visiting Jetavana Monastery, now in present day India
Free images from Wikipedia. Foundations of 2 kuti or huts (foundations), one with rose petals said to have been occupied by Gautama Buddha. Banyan tree planted during Buddha's life time, and sculptures of the donation, when merchants covered the ground with gold coins. 12-31-2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

Quote of the day--I know you may find this distressing, or like some "friends" or "colleagues" you may say--"it didn't really happen" or "who started it?" but

you need to know, From Rwandan Genocide wiki: The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the Gendarmerie, government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi. Sound familiar to you? It does to me. 12-22-2017

CHIP, child health care insurance discussion, please watch--

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

CNN Rohingya page including time line--

Burma national heritage of color parabaiks (folded books)

Abuse of Singapore domestic workers, many Burmese--

Abuse against domestic workers in Singapore--many Burmese

Mario Batali steps away from restaurant chain amid allegations of sexual abuse.

Special post--Rachel Maddow--MSNBC--GOP attack on Mueller Team falls apart.

Peter Morgan--complete screenplay--The Queen This is much better written than The Audience, the conflicts and inner conflicts are better delignated. I didn't read all of The Audience, but I felt it went serially and was too "talky." kmk 12-29-2017

Monday, December 18, 2017

Clips from Peter Morgan's play The Audience, which I saw, but I could not hear very well-

My short story Black Belt in Himal Southasia.

Addendum--my post on my book, "Rohingya Genocide"

I decided to write this book, as there is already an excellent academic book on the Rohingya as well as a journalistic book which interviewed both perpetrators and survivors. I wanted to give you a lot of information in a compact form, as well as the names of leading specialists and and what we have done and hope to do. A summary of a history of Muslims in Burma, the legacy of wars of territorial conquest and ethnic minority prisoners of war is also given as well as many images and maps. Rape was a weapon of war has been catalogued and confirmed by groups such as Human Rights Watch, Shan Women Action News Network, and other groups, not just against Muslims, but also against other minorities, such as Christians, Karen, Shan, Chin and other groups. I also go into the question of why it is misinformed to blame Aung San Suu Kyi, who is NOT a de facto leader, but a nominal leader, while the junta is still a junta. One Christian of Persian origin asked me if junta is the name of an Islamic terrorist group. Junta is a military government. Of course, the Burmese junta would love to label the 20! "terrorists" with muskets and home made weapons as "terrorists" BUT instead we now talk of the Rohingya Genocide.

Paperback copy of my Activists' Handbook, Rohingya Genocide in Burma (2012-2017) is now available on Amazon--
Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh--Medicins sans Frontieres.

Both e book and paperback editions of my book Rohingya Genocide in Burma (2012-2017) now out-- Note" "Kyi Kyi May" is not me, but the former BBC Burmese section chief who was fired for being pro-junta. Two reliable sources told me that a Burmese dissident died in the 1990s due to her. Both my sources were broadcasters/journalists and one was a westerner and has written for BBC. 12-18-2017

Both e book and paperback of my latest publication, Rohingya Genocide (2012-2017) now available on Amazon

Universities Central Library, Rangoon, website

Kelly Currie, US Special rep--UNHRC special session on Burma. I knew Kelly slightly in 1997-98. She's a Republican, she was not helpful with my serious concerns with the radio station where I worked then. She started her phone conversation with, "Congressman Porter thinks --" But what could the congressman think without looking into what was going in. There was a very clear sabotaging and angling of radio programs to undermine Aung San Suu Kyi and democracy in Burma. Eventually, "Thomas A. Jerk" was fired after 10 years. He was fired because someone sued him, who had been asked in a job interview, "If I ask you to speak ill of Daw Suu will you do it." The radio station from hell was obliged to pay up $300,000 for this piece of smart alecking. BUT, those of my colleagues who remained on till 2012, told me that the jerks male and female who succeeded Thomas were just as bad, in fact worse. In 2012, all my remaining colleagues there from the 1990s were fired, right during the time when Daw Suu was in town. Lots of injustices and political slanting, needing to be corrected. kmk 12-18-2017

My article from 2014 in Truthout, Speakout--Fire in the Eves to--

Federal appeals judge will resign after sexual misconduct allegations--

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Google search results, Is Trump going to fire Mueller--links don't come through, you will have to Google on your own

More for Is trump going to fire Mueller Is Trump going to fire Mueller? 6 disturbing signs. – ThinkProgress 5 days ago - No one really knows what Donald Trump will do next — not even Donald Trump. But with Robert Mueller racking up indictments and 2017 drawing to a close, there are several indications that Trump is considering sacking the special counsel. Firing Mueller would not be easy. Under current regulations ... Trump will fire Robert Mueller eventually. What will happen next? - LA ... Sep 21, 2017 - "I don't think there's any doubt that if James Comey had not been fired,” Bannon opined “[w]e would not have the Mueller investigation and the breadth that clearly Mr. Mueller is going for." The recent report that Trump savaged Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions when he learned of Mueller's appointment — calling him ... If Trump plans to fire Mueller, the time to do it is right now - The ... Oct 31, 2017 - It has long been conventional wisdom that the “Saturday Night Massacre” — the October 1973 episode in which President Richard M. Nixon tore apart his Justice Department to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox — badly backfired against Nixon. Not only did the move produce blowback from ... Cornered and Facing 'Existential' Crisis, Will Trump Fire Mueller? | The ... 2 days ago - His deputy attorney general is under the gun as Trump allies lose patience with the Russiagate investigation. Will Trump Fire Mueller? Senate Democrats Aim to Stop Another ... Dec 2, 2017 - Will President Donald Trump fire special counsel Robert Mueller? Firing Robert Mueller makes sense only if Trump is guilty on Russia Nov 2, 2017 - Many of President Trump's biggest supporters want him to make Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation go away. Some suggest that the president fire Mueller. Some propose that he pardon everybody and anybody conceivably involved in colluding with Russia. And some argue for both. That is all ... Trump is Going to Fire Mueller - Patheos 4 days ago - Trump has publicly declared any investigation into his finances would constitute a red line, and that he reserves the option to fire Mueller if he investigates them. Earlier this month, it was reported that Mueller has subpoenaed records at Deutsche Bank, an institution favored both by Trump and the Russian ... Rod Rosenstein: No good cause to fire Mueller - CNNPolitics - 10 hours ago - Jerry Nadler, if he's seen a cause to fire Mueller, Rosenstein responded: "No." And later when asked by another member of the committee if President Donald Trump has asked him to remove Mueller from the investigation, he said no one has asked him to do that. Read More. "I am not going to be ... Searches related to Is trump going to fire Mueller who can fire special counsel will trump resign the presidency robert mueller education robert mueller special counsel robert mueller wife robert mueller net worth remove trump from office robert mueller political party

Rosenstein defended Mueller, despite aggressive questioning from GOP

Wary of trmp, foreign born tech workers choose Canada over USA-- Canada will gain what USA loses, and as tech grows fast, it may be evident in next 5 to 10 years. SAD. 12-14-2017

Federal Communications Commission (USA) to repeal net neutrality. Providers will be able to control how fast you see a website. 12-14-2017

Monday, December 11, 2017

From 2012--Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi at Columbia Univ.

ym Actually very good presentation and Qs. A lot better than the one at American Univ. in D.C., wh was not run by the Univ, but by the infighting Burmese community. It makes me sad to see all the flak she has been getting recently. km Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Sunday, December 10, 2017

My official website-

Kyi May Kaung's review of Bertil Lintner's Outrage.

U.S. universities whose graduates make highest starting salaries--

California wildfires likely to spread further--already 800 buildings destroyed.

SNL X'mas for you--previous SNL post trending nicely.

Better link trmp vs reporters CNN & WAPO

trmp calls for WAPO reporter who apologized already to be fired--

Just trmp attacking Wapo--but he's the much bigger black pot, than one reporter. ">

My friend blogger blogging about me, sort of--

As she uses "Kanlaon" handle, I don't feel I should give her real name, But she wrote an amazing story called Mayor of the Roses, which describes a mass rape inflicted on a Philippine Beauty Queen, which was pinned on her boyfriend. "The autopsy collected 42 different semen samples." I met "Kanlaon" in Berlin where 5 or 6 of us from SE Asia were invited as "Writers who dare to confront." They found us on the Internet. One was Gunawan Mohammed, founder of Tempo, the Indonesian Time Magazine. Also the group included Linh Dinh, Vietnamese-born poet and his friend Chan or Chang, who did not speak English. Loved that part, meeting other writers, hotel on River Spree, though did not like the ominous Burmese men who came looking for me, whom I managed to avoid. They spotted me as I was about to go back to hotel, and I recognized them speaking to each other in probably very broken German, I didn't like the female Philippine ambassador either, who came with K's mother, a concert pianist, and denied no such thing as mass rape took place, Poor K had to go with them to dinner, though we urged her not to. She has since given me permission to write about it, but I have not written a short story about it yet. In another unrelated book talk I hosted on Orhan Pamuk in Silver Spring, MD, Turkish embassy folk came and denied an Armenian genocide had ever taken place, but a woman who came who had read all of Pamuk's books and the rest of us talked back, and the 3 people left in a huff-- but now I see what happened in the summer when Ergodan's goons beat up Turkish US Citizens in DC demonstrating, I feel a bit scared. FYI, the Burmese embassy was always very ugly, filmed demonstrations from inside, once greeted a dissident with a baseball bat and smashed windscreen of a car that dissident parked in their driveway. I post these things because there are some Burmese who are sort of wishy washy as regards the junta. To them I would just say, like Ygritte in Game of Thrones: You know nothing Jon Snow. Attachment is Ishtar Gate, at Berlin Pergamon Museum. This is the real thing. What Saddam Hussein re-built is a replica. km 12-10-2017
Ishtar Gate at Pergamon Museum, Berlin, photo copyright Kyi May Kaung Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Interview of veteran Burma journalist, in fact he's a legend, Bertil Lintner on Rohingya of Burma.
Photos from Internet

Friday, December 08, 2017

Bitcoin tumbles 20% in 10 hours

Special post--ABC--Diana, in her own words (Diana, Princess of Wales) A few of Diana's friends talk to the filmmaker-- It's a searing indictment of Prince Charles, the establishment and the monarchy in general. No wonder they don't like it in the UK. But it is a well made documentary and does set the record straight, in my opinion. In Burmese terms, the prince was a koke ka myinn, someone who acts up in secret while keeping a "dignified" exterior. The filmography, culled from news shots, is very telling and quite brilliant. The Muslims in the story however, are hardly mentioned--Dr. Hasnat Khan, heart surgeon, and her fiance at the time of her death, Dodi Fayed and his father. A Youtube video seems to have been removed, but a few years ago I saw a documentary financed by Mr. Fayed Sr, which alleged Princess Diana was killed by a conspiracy set up by Philip and Charles. Mr Al Fayed insists the Princess was pregnant by his son, and that they were going to get engaged. My own opinion is that she was trying to escape as Jackie Kennedy did with her marriage to Onassis, but it just did not happen. Maybe, the Establishment was too strong to fight, and those on Diana's side were not so strong. In any case,it's good people are speaking out more.
Photos from Internet. 12-8-2017

Thursday, December 07, 2017

Best books on India-- To:you Details I've read some of these, incld White Tiger, but I don't know why Dalrymple's, The Last Moghul and White Moghuls is not on this list. I loved City of Djinns too, and if I ever go to India, will take that small light book with me. km

My blog audience is changing again, they are in this order, highest to lowest--

Malaysia--last week-1514 France 327--for years and years, front runner USA 277--for yrs and yrs, 2nd after France Indonesia, 152--first time I see this Singapore Ukraine Germany Portugal--all first timers Burma--minimal, insignificant audience. Not surprising as I have shifted my focus away. UAE--first time appearance, But sudden upsurge for few days from "Russia" was I think bots, and now due to Rohingya posts? "Russia" is very fishy, in 2016, sudden upsurge for one or two days, and then disappeared, and same thing now. I don't think they are real people or else they are FSB. Yesterday, total, 500+ day before yesterday, 700+ I consider it pretty good for a blog that's over 10 years old. I give myself some flowers.
Photo, K M Kaung--copyright

Today is Pearl Harbor Day--12-7-1941--

See Presidential historian Michael Beschloss' Twitter acct for many photos.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

sex predator presidt of the usa -- d j t--these men should all be castr**ed All the women who have accused trmp, inlcd first wife Ivana-- beyond words
cartoon fr Internet

Paul Manofort agrees to staggering $11 m bail deal

Pterosaur eggs found in China--"eggs citing"

Turkish President in money laundering deal with Iran

Rex Tillerson may be replaced by Pompeo--

Important open message for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--

Open message to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi--You have become an all too convenient fall gal for the junta. Please side step and get out of the line of fire before you are hurt further. 11-30-2017

Slightly off translation--Sitagusayadaw said at end of his racist sermon, which gave "religious permission" to carry on with Rohingya Muslim genocide

a lan ma lair say ne "Don't let the flag fall to the ground." This was a pep talk couched in Pali, delivered at a military base. He talked of ancient Ceylon king Duttagamani, "making country that was split unified again." He talking of killing Tamils, whom he referred to by their modern name--Burmese transliteration "Tamee" FYI, he and the other notorious racist so-called monk Wirathu went to Sri Lanka with official team and met with Sri Lankan generals "in order to study how to carry out genocide," and in the videotape see below, he refers directly to "I did not say this, the Sri Lankan sayadaw said this." I was suspicious of his body language when he came to DC, and also in a videotape of him and Wirathu going to "study" Burman-Muslim current conflict when it started, around 2012 or 13. They did not console the victims or see the ravaged areas. Instead they went in a white unmarked van from a distance, got out of the van and looked around. They could not be operating like this without the support and sanction of the Burmese junta. kmk 11-30-2017

Genocidists on notice--read Nuremberg Trials

Suicides of Croats accused of war crimes--

trmp blasted wrong Theresa May on Twitter-- How great his intelligence is!! Wow, "elected head" of one of most powerful countries in world and he can't even check which is correct PM May. And he has 17 !! intelligence agencies at his disposal. 11-30-2017

Flynn probably talking deal with Mueller team--

The link--Sitagu sermon of racial hatred

Notorious serman by Sitagu Sayadaw (Theetagu sayadaw) saying king would not go to hell because only 1 1/2 humans (Buddhists) among hordes of Tamils killed

Sitagu Sayadaw’s ‘Mahavamsa’ Sermon Posted on November 3, 2017 by Paul Fuller This is an English translation of a sermon given by the revered Burmese Buddhist leader Sitagu Sayadaw. It was given on 30th October 2017 to army officers at the Bayintnaung garrison and military training school in Kayin, Mynmar. The following is part of the sermon with English translation and Burmese script. The original sermon was 3 hours long. It has gained much attention as the Sayadaw quotes from the notorious Dutthagamani passage from the 5th Century CE Sri Lankan chronicle, the Mahavamsa, which was originally composed in Pali. The standard English translation of the Mahavamsa by Wilhelm Geiger is available here. In the famous episode Dutthagamani, having waged a long and bloody war in which millions were killed is advised by a group of eight Arahants (Buddhist saints): From this deed arises no hindrance in thy way to heaven. Only one and a half human beings have been slain here by thee, O lord of men. The one had come unto the (three) refuges, the other had taken on himself the five precepts. Unbelievers [they have ‘wrong-views’, micchādiṭṭhi ] and men of evil life were the rest, not more to be esteemed than beasts. But as for thee, thou wilt bring glory to the doctrine of the Buddha in manifold ways; therefore cast away care from thy heart, O ruler of men!’ The Pali reads: saggamaggantarāyo ca natthī te tena kammunā / diyaḍḍhamanujā ve’ttha ghātitā manujādhipa // saraṇesu ṭhito eko, pañcasīle pi cāparo / micchādiṭṭhī ca dussilā sesā pasusamā matā // jotayissasi ceva tvaṃ bahudhā buddhasāsanaṃ/manovilekhaṃ tasmā tvaṃ vinodaya narissara, Mhv xxv. 109-111. 00:00-00:25 During Burma’s fight for independence, under the leadership of General Aung San, almost every one of the prominent warriors in the Burmese Army took shelter at the Buddhist monasteries in the rural villages, all over the country. We have learnt and read about that in history books. Buddhist monks and [Burmese] soldiers are inseparable. 00:26- 00:45 King Duttagamani accepted a flying alms-bowl. Not only was there food for himself, but his horse and the soldiers were also fed, as it was full of food. After they had had the food, they washed it [the bowl] and the empty alms-bowl was sent flying back. This was called the “flying alms-bowl”. 00:46-01:20 King Duttagamani had won the battle triumphantly. Millions of Tamils (Damilas) had died in the battle. After the battle, King Damainla, King Kyae were killed. King Duttagamani managed to unite the divided island of Lanka. Did you know that the island of Sri Lanka was separated into two sides? One side was Tamil (Damila) and the other was Buddhist. So who managed to combine the two separated parts into one country? King Duttagamani. 01:21-01:40 After the battle, the King was too exhausted to fall asleep. He couldn’t fall asleep and stayed awake in the middle of the night. What was happening to him was that he was being overtaken by remorse. What is that called? (to the audience) “remorse” (The audience answers) 01:41-02:05 We are talking about the powers of the Dhamma. The victory of this battle is due to the power/quality of the Dhamma over King Duttagamani. The battle was won because of the effects of the power of the Dhamma. And as a result of the unity of the monks in fighting the battle together, the battle was over. That was how they had a landslide victory in beating the invaders. 02:06-02:21 It’s about unity, right? There must be unity between the King (leadership) and its people as well as the unity between the Army and Sangha (the Monks). The Four of them also have to be united. It’s like the four legs of a chair. They all have to support the country. 02:22-03:02 The King was unable to sleep until midnight because he was thinking about those millions of opposing Tamil soldiers, whom he had killed in the battle. He feared he would go to four hell realms due to the his unwholesome actions (B. arkhutho. P. akusala-kamma) he committed by killing millions of human beings. He was mentally exhausted because of fighting in the battle; the worries of having to rebuild the country again; the worries of resisting and defending the country against the Tamils; the worries about the unwholesome actions he committed. All these worries accumulated because of the millions of lives lost in battle. 03:00-03:30 The Arahants residing in the countryside become aware of the remorse of the King [through their ‘spiritual powers’, abhiññā]. -Who are they? (He asked the audience) -The Arahants. (The audience answered) You all need to understand that these arahants are always taking care of the King. The King receives metta [loving-kindness] from the arahants, which is well received. 03:31- 03:50 As soon as they were aware of the King’s remorse, eight of these arahants arrived in the middle of the night. They asked the guard to open the palace gate. The guard informed the King and he let the Arahants go in to see the King. They asked the King why he isn’t sleeping well. The King said he was remorseful. 03:51-04:02 He said he had remorse about the unwholesome actions he had committed and that he will go to hell for those actions. The eight Arahants said “Do not be worried at all, your Majesty. It was only a tiny bit of unwholesome action that you have committed” 04:03-04:42 “Why only a tiny bit”, the King asked. The Arahants answered that “even though millions of beings had been destroyed, there was only one and a half human beings who is a genuine being. There was only one and a half beings who can be regarded as a human being. Out of these Tamil invaders, there was only one who had adopted the five precepts, and one who had adopted the five precepts and taken the three refuges in the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha. Therefore, there was only one and a half human beings. The arahants have the ‘spiritual power’ (abhiññā) to see this. So, even the person who practices the five precepts is not a complete being. He is half a human being. 04:43-05:20 “The one who adopts the five precepts together with the three refuges in Buddha, Dhamma and Sanga, is a complete (full) human being. Among the millions of beings who he killed by shooting, hitting & chopping, there was only one whom can be called a human being and one whom can be called half a being. Thus, there’s only one and a half human beings in total. Please do not be worried, your Majesty” We did not say it. Who said it? (He asked the audience) He answered to his own question – The Arahants said it. The King then had peace of mind. 05:21-06:49 [Then Sitagu Sayadaw recites a sermon/Sutta, with interpolations]: “Laypeople lead by their leader and members of Sangha lead by the Venerable monks shall be mutually dependent and support each other. After having totally freed from 62 years of being a slave’s life, our native land shall be built again. Our country, our land, our inheritance shall be established and prospered. Don’t let it falter.” 06:50-07:20 Land, water, sky [alluding to the three parts of the military: Army, Navy and Air Force]. There was that monk who saw the Tipiṭaka books being buried inside the meditation compound. So that counts as “Land”- your infantry Army, “water”- your navy, “sky” –that means your Air Force, right? 07:21-07:40 The monks see that. They have a big heart for the country. Land, water and sky. One should not lack anything, no omissions. Our Land should be protected. Our water should be protected thoroughly including the Straits. Don’t take anything for granted. 07:41-07:43 Do not worry. No matter how much you have to fight, how much you have to shoot them, just remember what was being said earlier. There are only one and a half beings that can be regarded as human beings. The persons who cannot be called human beings are not important. 07:44-08:30 All three of them – land, water, sky, should not lack in any protection and should be safeguarded by the Army. So, this is to the officers in the Army here – land, water, sky – should not lack anything. What does it mean? Safeguarded by the assembly of troops, during the military parades ceremony, on the Armed Forces Day, the chief of the military parade offered all the troops to the Chief of Defence. Doesn’t he use this particular term while doing so? It was the same term written 80 years ago by Gadaryone Sayadaw called “tut paung” (assembly of troops). 08:31-08:55 This term was already written 80 years ago by Gadaryone Sayadaw. Land, water and sky should be safeguarded by the assembly of troops. Like King Duttagamani and King Ajātasattu, they not only fight for the country, but they also fight for the Buddha sāsana. This should be the way. 08:56-09:54 If you want to hear, just listen to this. King Duttagamani made a solemn vow before he marched towards the battle [solemn vow recited in Pali.] This was King Duttagamani’s solemn vow, meaning “the reason I fight for this battle is not to sustain the luxury of being a King. The reason I am fighting Kyay Kalars (the Damilas, Tamils) is to preserve Buddha’s sāsana for as long as possible on this island of Sri Lanka. This was King Duttagamani’s solemn vow. He did not fight to preserve the luxury of being in the palace. Why did he fight? He fought to preserve Buddha’s sāsana for as long as possible. 09:55-10:35 The London Pali text society wrote this in English: [not clear where this is from, it is quoted by Sitagu Sayadaw in English], “My battles are not only to the secure kingship, but also for the future security long establishment of Buddhism.” [Then he explains this quote in Burmese]: In order to have a safe and secure Buddha sāsana and to preserve and sustain Buddhism in this country and in the future, I fought this battle” Who made this solemn vow? King Duttagamani and King Ajātasattu. 10:36-10:49 Similarly, our soldiers should take this example of King Duttagamani and King Ajātasattu in your heart. Thus, I would like to conclude this ceremony by encouraging you undertake this military responsibility of serving for the country and sāsana. 10:50-12:07 [Then Sitagu Sayadaw repeats the sermon/Sutta that he gave earlier]: “Laypeople lead by their leader and the members of Sangha lead by the Venerable monks shall be mutually dependent and support each other. After having totally freed from 62 years of being a slave’s life, our native land shall be built again. Our country, our land, our inheritance shall be established and prospered. Don’t let it falter.” Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu. -- DO NOT worship such a racist bloke!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Excellent--Rohingya of Burma-- maps and graphs by Al Jazeera

trmp retweets far right racist posts--Theresa May objects

Bosnian Croat war criminal swallows vial of poison in court and dies--

Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam) Morning has Broken

Elton John--Abide with me-

Cyndi Lauper--Time after time--

Robin Gibb's funeral in 2012--Classy life and classy death--Thank you for all those songs.

Robin Gibs & Bee Gees--I started a joke--

Stary Stary Night, Don Mclean, Images by Vincent van Gogh--
I took the photos as they remind me of van Gogh paintings and have a lot of photos, titled "cherry van Gogh" kmk 11-29-2017

John Denver --Annie's Song

John Denver-- Leaving on a jet plane

Leaving on a jetplane--

RIP Mary Travers--I did not know she had died.

The greatest anti-war anthem of all time--Peter, Paul and Mary, where have all the flowers gone--

I saw them perform in 1988, March, in Colonial Williamsburg, and they looked and sounded just like this.

Andrea Bocelli sings Ave Maria in the Colliseum in Rome--

Luciano Pavarotti singing Ave Maria in 1978, when his voice was at its prime. Oh how we miss him.

Ave Maria--sung by Burl Ives in English

Schubert--Ave Maria

The anniversary of my father's death is coming up. In memory of Sithu U Kaung, I am posting some of his and my favorite music. Where have all the flowers gone? Plasir d'amour--

Va pensiero--

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Not yet released. Edward Rutherfurd, China.
I have read his Russka and liked it and now reading Sarum. They are written James Michener style with fictitious individuals and families woven through pre-history and history. For me, they are a painless way of learning history and much easier to remember. km Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Friday, November 24, 2017

Fiction about Diana--Guardian review of Monica Ali

Remembering Princess Diana

Walpola Rahula--What the Buddha Taught Still the best book on Buddhism anyone can read. 11-24-2017

mashed parsnips recipe

Ratatouille (ra ta too ee) recipe

Alternative turkey meatloaf recipe--

Moist meat loaf recipe

trmp revealed details of special laptop that could pass undetected to Russians, day after Comey firing.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Satire, trmp's turkey pardon fr the New Yorker

Trmp pardons his first turkey--first pardon was Sheriff Arpiao

For fun, Kate Middleton style fascinator head dresses --easy to make at home.

Haitians--more bad news from DJT

My review of Twilight over Burma by Inge Sargent--

Saturday, November 18, 2017

low morale no surprise--

Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 36s37 seconds ago If there is a morale issue in State Dept, or in WH or US Govt, it is Trmp admin's duty to find out why fix it. Bf we get into a nuclear war Trmp admin mainly defensive now BAD performance imagine saying "Am. first" overseas, in Asia, Soo diplomatic. Low morale no surprise 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 7m7 minutes ago State Department spokeswoman acknowledges ‘morale issue’ in surprise admission : via @AOL 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung‏ @KyiKaung 2h2 hours ago Donald Trump Jr.'s messages with WikiLeaks provide evidence of campaign-finance violations, Bob Bauer argues:

An abstract made with a camera--Copyright Kyi May Kaung--send message if interested in buying prints--

Kind words on my novella Black Rice, partly based on my cousin's story--

Photo essay--Trees in the Fall or Autumn--Copyright K.M.Kaung

Trmp Jr and Wikileaks emails--Trmp and campaing have a whopping legal problem--

Friday, November 17, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

DSK's ex wife's family get Nazi looted Matisse returned to them--

Daniil -- piano recital

My novella The Lovers in Wild River Review Also available on Amazon by K.M.Kaung

Record breaking Leonardo da Vinci sale I prefer the unrestored image. km

Christie's record breaking da Vinci sale--

China sticks to original policies, contradicting trmp

Six likeliest ways Roy Moore saga could end

As Germany hosts green summit, forest being razed nearby.

Lebanese PM accepts French invitation, after shock resignation in Saudi Arabia, allegedly instigated by Kushner during secret trip

Mugabe exited but Zimbabwe still in jeopardy--of course, dictators destrony countries.

trmp reverses Obama elephant trunkc import ban--does the man do anything right? No.

Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use

for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025