Monday, November 13, 2017

Francis Wade's book on the Rohingya It's state sponsored violence. And it is a Genocide. Capital G. No one in Burma can even organize a hiking group without state approval. I "know" Francis Wade as I recommended he be invited to speak in 2002 when we (The Burma Fund) arranged a conference in Bangkok, on democracy. He was working at the Irrawaddy magazine then, and we had not yet heard of the Rohingya. This is a thoughtful book which begins with an interview of a Burman /Arakan? extreme nationalist, and I am afraid they all are. I have spoken to several, they seem at first reasonable enough, then you notice the warped views. For instance, a geneticist said, it could all be settled in 5 minutes flat. (Because I guess she meant DNA testing on both sides of the border line would show "Muslim blood.") She was married to an Arakan man. The problem is the borderline is assumed to be legitimate, but it was just drawn on a map (piece of paper) by British colonialists in 1824 and then taken by independent Burma after 1948 and the junta after 1962. So what if your folks lived on both sides of the border line and families grew in size over time. Besides, the govt. wants your land, for the start of their Shwe (Gold) pipeline which cuts across straight to Yunnan. (Source, Dr. Nora Rowley, 2012). Nora worked for Medicins sans Frontieres in Arakan and also spent her own money to live and work in Fort Wayne, IN, among Burmese refugees. Dr Yin Yin Nwe, geologist, former daughter in law of Gen Ne Win, has said the Rohingya " have too many children" and look how hard it is for her, having to keep one son in school, even on her UN salary. She was junta appointed delegate on junta sponsored "Rohingya commission"--I don't think it was even called that. Well, this book is worth a read. kmk 11-13-2017 Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use

for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025