Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
My tweets 11-14-2017--follow me on Twitter, Kyi Kaung@KyiKaung
Kyi Kaung @KyiKaung
2m2 minutes ago
Trmp is just sinking fast and faster, so he's throwing twitter shit at anyone he can think of, that's always his strategy and tactics.
He does what's best for Trmp family, ALL the Time, that's all.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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Pat CunnaneVerified account @PatCunnane
7h7 hours ago
Imagine for a moment if @BarackObama asked @EricHolder to investigate @SenJohnMcCain to distract from the reeling economy of 2009. That's where we are. @realDonaldTrump shouldn't get a pass just because he's a moron who's done so much damage to American norms it's hard to keep up
10 replies 134 retweets 337 likes
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Black Aziz Anansi @Freeyourmindkid
21h21 hours ago
So did anyone else pickup that GQ tried to recreate this photo of Muhammad Ali with Colin Kaepernick ?
72 replies 875 retweets 2,271 likes
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Muta Asinus Vulpes @cyclodog
9h9 hours ago
Replying to @Khanoisseur
And important to note that candidate Trump was briefed by US Intelligence on August 17th that RU was meddling and likely using WikiLeaks as a cutout, thus he knowingly propped up and promoted a non-state foreign adversary in late 2016.
0 replies 21 retweets 56 likes
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Laurence TribeVerified account @tribelaw
7h7 hours ago
WikiLeaks asked Donald Trump Jr. to spread its work, contest the election results, and have Assange appointed ambassador to the U.S. @JuliaIoffe on their secret correspondence:
41 replies 595 retweets 899 likes
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Brian KlaasVerified account @brianklaas
5h5 hours ago
Brian Klaas Retweeted The New York Times
These attempts to bully the Justice Department into investigating political rivals is the kind of thing you expect in Turkey or Russia.
Brian Klaas added,
The New York Times
Verified account @nytimes
Jeff Sessions asked officials to look into whether a special prosecutor is needed to investigate the Clinton Foundation http://nyti.ms/2hpYVk5
25 replies 204 retweets 468 likes
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Jesse LehrichVerified account @JesseLehrich
6h6 hours ago
Jesse Lehrich Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Rasmussen is notoriously awful.
nobody thinks you "could be in the 50s."
every decent pollster has your approval between 34% & 40%.
Jesse Lehrich added,
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
One of the most accurate polls last time around. But #FakeNews likes to say we’re in the 30’s. They are wrong. Some people think numbers could be in the 50's. Together, WE will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
1 reply 8 retweets 34 likes
You Retweeted
rosierifka @rosierifka
4h4 hours ago
Why Is Trump So Militantly Against An Investigation Into Putin's Meddling In Our Elections
0 replies 1 retweet 0 likes
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Seth AbramsonVerified account @SethAbramson
21h21 hours ago
(THREAD) News that Trump offered Papadopoulos a "blank check" to choose any administration job he wanted after the election, coupled with reports Papadopoulos lied to the FBI a few weeks later "out of loyalty to Trump," suggests the possibility of new Obstruction charges—read on.
113 replies 2,753 retweets 4,674 likes
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Anne Helen PetersenVerified account @annehelen
Nov 11
White evangelicals are now more accepting of politicians who have committed immoral acts than the average American:
https://www.npr.org/2016/10/23/498890836/poll-white-evangelicals-have-warmed-to-politicians-who-commit-immoral-acts …
897 replies 5,429 retweets 6,185 likes
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Joe ScarboroughVerified account @JoeNBC
4h4 hours ago
85% Of Trump nominees for the federal court have been male. His percentages for US Attorneys may be worse. Outrageous.
163 replies 237 retweets 657 likes
Kyi Kaung @KyiKaung
8m8 minutes ago
Opinion | The clown goes abroad
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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rosierifka @rosierifka
4h4 hours ago
Trump's Asia trip showed what happens when a very big nation is led by a very small man: http://wapo.st/2hnUdDE?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.437ac3f8b681 … by @Eugene_Robinson
0 replies 2 retweets 1 like
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Joe ScarboroughVerified account @JoeNBC
5h5 hours ago
Joe Scarborough Retweeted Maggie Haberman
Barack Obama wisely refused to investigate Bush actions in Iraq. Sessions investigating Trump's political rival would set a dangerous precedent followed by tyrants and autocrats.
Joe Scarborough added,
Maggie Haberman
Verified account @maggieNYT
Trump wants a probe of Clintons. Trump has hinted at firing Sessions. Sessions wants to keep his job. Here we are. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/13/us/politics/justice-department-uranium-one-special-counsel.html?_r=0 …
185 replies 504 retweets 1,512 likes
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Alan HeVerified account @alanhe
12h12 hours ago
Mike Pence to Hugh Hewitt 7/29/16: "If it is found that Russia or China or any other foreign power compromised the private email, or capture classified information, and then released that information through the Wikileaks or otherwise, there’d be serious consequences for that."
278 replies 4,531 retweets 8,909 likes
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rosierifka @rosierifka
3h3 hours ago
A Washington county that went for Trump is shaken as immigrant neighbors start disappearing
0 replies 6 retweets 1 like
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David LeopoldVerified account @DavidLeopold
3h3 hours ago
Timeline of Trump Jr.'s exchanges with WikiLeaks
0 replies 9 retweets 3 likes
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Natasha BertrandVerified account @NatashaBertrand
12h12 hours ago
It’s worth noting that it is very easy for the sender of a DM to delete it. Only way to be sure that Trump Jr (whose lawyer hasn’t responded to my q about this) published full exchange is for Wikileaks to release its copy. But Assange is now saying WL doesn’t keep those records.
156 replies 744 retweets 1,849 likes
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Justin HendrixVerified account @justinhendrix
3h3 hours ago
George Papadopoulos told Stephen Miller, a senior Trump campaign policy adviser, that he had received "interesting messages" from Moscow — one day after learning that Russia apparently had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee
5 replies 50 retweets 85 likes
Kyi Kaung @KyiKaung
11m11 minutes ago
Kyi Kaung Retweeted rosierifka
what do you expect with orange beating drum loudly fr WH???
Kyi Kaung added,
Hate crimes rise again https://www.axios.com/axios-am-2509201075.html?rebelltitem=6&utm_term=twsocialshare#rebelltitem6 … #axiosam
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
Kyi Kaung @KyiKaung
12m12 minutes ago
Kyi Kaung Retweeted rosierifka
Kyi Kaung added,
Mo Brooks is sticking by Moore. He says the GOP agenda is 'vastly more important than contested sexual allegations.' https://trib.al/EmyBMRZ
0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
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Kristen Soltis AndersonVerified account @KSoltisAnderson
3h3 hours ago
Kristen Soltis Anderson Retweeted Donald J. Trump
“Some people think...”
Polls in Virginia UNDERESTIMATED disdain for President Trump, just FYI. You can’t just make up results you like.
Kristen Soltis Anderson added,
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
One of the most accurate polls last time around. But #FakeNews likes to say we’re in the 30’s. They are wrong. Some people think numbers could be in the 50's. Together, WE will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
16 replies 42 retweets 174 likes
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Jim AcostaVerified account @Acosta
8h8 hours ago
Jim Acosta Retweeted Jim Acosta
A key NATO ally sought assurances Trump could not launch a rash nuclear strike, CNN has learned. Lawmakers looking to limit his authority.
Jim Acosta added,
Jim Acosta
Verified account @Acosta
Lawmakers, US allies seek assurance that Trump won't rashly launch nuclear strike http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/14/politics/trump-nuclear-authority/index.html …
115 replies 832 retweets 1,918 likes
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Kevin Quealy @KevinQ
2h2 hours ago
New this morning in upshot-land, we explore a curious relationship: The more education that Democrats and Republicans have, the more their beliefs in climate change **diverge**. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/11/14/upshot/climate-change-by-education.html …
3 replies 9 retweets 8 likes
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Pierre OmidyarVerified account @pierre
10h10 hours ago
Pierre Omidyar Retweeted Matt Bors
A legitimate news organization does not start a conversation with “we have gained unauthorized access to an anti-Trump site. Here’s the password, check it out.”
Pierre Omidyar added,
Matt Bors
Hello I'm from the smart encryption leak website. Would you like to DM with me about crime?
22 replies 190 retweets 855 likes
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The UpshotVerified account @UpshotNYT
2h2 hours ago
A partisan paradox.
0 replies 11 retweets 16 likes
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Maggie HabermanVerified account @maggieNYT
12h12 hours ago
POTUS to NYT in Nov. 2016: " Look, I want to move forward, I don’t want to move back. And I don’t want to hurt the Clintons. I really don’t. She went through a lot. And suffered greatly in many different ways. And I am not looking to hurt them at all."
333 replies 732 retweets 2,152 likes
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Daniel DaleVerified account @ddale8
2h2 hours ago
Daniel Dale Retweeted Julie Davis
Trump keeps making this bizarre false claim about Obama. What actually happened was Obama, in advance, cancelled a planned Laos meeting with Duterte, who’d insulted him and his mother. He wasn’t stranded in the sky above Manila.
Daniel Dale added,
Julie Davis
Verified account @juliehdavis
Leaving Manila, POTUS said he had forged relationship w Philippines "better than ever." Said under Obama, AF1 had gotten close but was barred from landing (that never happened)
116 replies 1,410 retweets 2,798 likes
Thriller--good--The Contractor--international hit man--former marine discharged for drug use
for knee injury. 4.5 out of 5 stars--my rating. plot twist in the middle. kmk 2-21-2025