Wednesday, January 31, 2018

trmp now said to be pressuring Rosenstein.

Republican chartered train collides with truck--

I'm glad I deleted my Facebook account. I did not like the time it wasted, the clone that appeared, and looking at Burmese bragging. I went to Twitter as it takes less time, and djt and critics use twitter--because you can just post things and no one can engage you back and cause disruption in your daily schedule. 1-31-2018

SOTU is unrecognizable It's like he was talking boringly about some distant la la land. I did not listen to it all. But stuff on immigration was scary, as well as not true (non-factual) But all the Repubs stood up and called, and he clapped himself and called for more clapping. You wonder. He must have got the clap. What he said had nothing to do with what he has actually done and not done for the last year. He's just giving himself another "excellent" unreal job recommendation, and people like DeVos and Mnuchin clap and clap. Small footnote, Melania arrived separately. Brian Williams said "It is germane to what's happening," ie rumors of M sleeping at T? Hotel 3 times a week since Stormy Daniels news broke. what a shambles of a so-called presidency. 1-31-2018

What was in that awkward blue box--

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Democratic response Joe Kennedy III, to SOTU address

makes a lot more sense than the --- spouting things he doesn't believe and repugnant views. I think Joe Kennedy might be the next Presdt. 1-30-2018

The Guardian "Experience" articles "I wrote fake news" Fake reviews for Amazon.

Conan O'Brien in Haiti--"What's Twitter?"

I have been reading Sinclair Lewis' It Can't Happen Here, which is enjoying sales, just like

George Orwell's 1984 and Ann Rand's And Atlas Shrugged. Scene at SOTU address may be just like Minute Men throwing weight around at Madison Square Garden in NY in It Can't Happen Here. I am writing something called It can happen here, or It did happen here. KMKaung 1-30-2018
Cartoons from Internet.

MSNBC news coverage and analyses of McCabe firing, GOP pretend memo. On other hand, Republicans would not allow Democrats counter memo. "This will erode public trust in Dept of Justice and FBI," says former FBI agent. "Maybe Andrew Mccabe just had enough." I could see at the public hearing that Trmp friendly committee members tried to get McCabe to say publicly that Comey was disliked at the FBI, but McCabe just shrugged and refused to do so, instead said how well regarded Comey was. In my opinion, the trmpies over step every time and have gone way beyond the line. Let's see what drivel Liar in Chief spins out in State of the "Uniom" address live coverage at 8 PM. Already, there is talk about having Dreamers (illegal immigrants grown children with jobs) who were allowed to stay by Obama, being arrested in DC as they come for the SOT"Uniom" Stay tuned. 1-30-2018

Maybe he was elected by Russian bots or Russians. At least 6 Russians were recorded coming to DC to participate in trmp inauguration.

It isn't right that an elected leader acts like a dictator. It isn't right that he undermines the pillars of a democratic society such as a free press and an independent judiciary. djt is not above the law.

Andrew McCabe wiki
From Getty Images/Internet

One recent article by an expert says trmp lies 9.9 times a day, which in more than the 6+ times most college students lied in samples

and moreover the lies are malign, with intend to hurt.

Draft articles of impeachment and corrupt intent--fr MSNBC and NYTs. They enumerated 9 points so far just from what is publicly available. I think trmp will go down, kicking and screaming, but so far he has been "winning." 1-30-2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

On flight to Davos, trmp vented against DOJ

Sen. Mark Warner says getting close to Russian Investigation is bad for job security.

David Bowdich from FBI site.

Former sniper will become next Deputy Dr. of FBI.

presdt hoping to add another scalp--

Must read Axios timeline, on McCabe firing--vote here as comments on what you think.

David Graham on McCabe's firing--it seems quite clear to me whose hand is behind this.

We all know this trmp admin can't spell.

Headlines 1-29-2018--meanwhile MD parks closed for deer culling--

House Intel committee votes to release Nunes memo on FBI CNN 34m ago Related Coverage Trump sought release of classified Russia memo, putting him at odds with Justice Department Highly Cited Washington Post Jan 27, 2018 House Intel votes to make Nunes memo public The Hill 1h ago Republicans vote to release memo alleging FBI missteps while surveilling Trump campaign operative Washington Post 1h ago Secret Memo Hints at a New Republican Target: Rod Rosenstein Highly Cited New York Times 19h ago With Trump under investigation, Republicans crank up heat on the investigators, vote to release controversial memo In Depth Los Angeles Times 1h ago [Washington Post] FBI's Andrew McCabe leaving deputy director job amid internal investigation Washington Post 47m ago Related Coverage Andrew McCabe Steps Down as FBI Deputy Director Under Pressure Highly Cited New York Times 3h ago [New York Magazine] Abolish the State of the Union Address New York Magazine 1h ago [CBS News] 7-year-old boy arrested for punching teacher at Florida school CBS News 3h ago Related Coverage Baker Act - CCHR Florida Most Referenced CCHR Florida 2m ago US military reviewing its rules after fitness trackers exposed sensitive data Washington Post 2h ago Related Coverage Strava Global Heatmap - Strava Labs Most Referenced Strava Labs 3h ago [CNN] Russian jet flies within 5 feet of US Navy plane, Pentagon says CNN 7h ago Related Coverage U.S. EP-3 Intercepted in the Black Sea | U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa / U.S. 6th Fleet Most Referenced 6th Fleet - 2h ago World [NPR] All The Rules, None Of The Voting Rights: EU Lays Out Plan For Brexit Transition NPR 1h ago Related Coverage Brexit would damage UK growth, says leaked cabinet report From United Kingdom The Guardian 50m ago [Fox News] Tourists 'scared out of their brains' after arrest for pornographic images Fox News 3h ago [TIME] These Democrats Are Bringing 'Dreamers' to President Trump's State of the Union Address TIME 5h ago [Slate Magazine] Vladimir Putin Is Not an All-Powerful Mastermind. Donald Trump Is Proof. Slate Magazine 3h ago Related Coverage Deadline looms for Trump and Russia sanctions Highly Cited Politico Jan 28, 2018 More World stories U.S. [New York Times] Senate Rejects Measure to Ban Abortion After 20 Weeks of Pregnancy New York Times 1h ago Related Coverage Addison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell | TheHill Most Referenced The Hill 2m ago [Washington Post] Republican Governors Association to cut all ties with Steve Wynn amid sexual misconduct allegations Washington Post 3h ago Related Coverage Dozens of People Recount Pattern of Sexual Misconduct by Las Vegas Mogul Steve Wynn Highly Cited Wall Street Journal Jan 26, 2018 [KTLA] Pico Rivera Student Who Recorded Teacher's Anti-Military Rant Hopes to Serve in Marines KTLA 1h ago Related Coverage Pico Rivera teacher's remarks about military spark backlash Highly Cited Los Angeles Times Jan 28, 2018 [Washington Post] The Daily 202: Koch network donors growing nervous about losing their majorities in the midterms Washington Post 10h ago More U.S. stories Business [Bloomberg] Revlon CEO Steps Down as Losses Mount at Cosmetics Company Bloomberg 2h ago [CNBC] Exxon Mobil announces $35 billion in new US investments over 5 years, citing tax reform CNBC 40m ago Related Coverage Financial Newsletter - Zacks Most Referenced Zacks 13h ago [Washington Post] Why Amazon built its workers a mini rainforest inside three domes in downtown Seattle Washington Post 1h ago Related Coverage Bringing The Spheres' green walls to life - The Amazon Blog Most Referenced The Amazon Blog 6h ago [NBC Southern California] Keurig Buying Dr Pepper Snapple to Create a Beverage Giant NBC Southern California 1h ago Related Coverage Financial Newsletter - Zacks Most Referenced Zacks 13h ago More Business stories Technology

Sean Spicer talks to MSNBC--why now?

Breaking news,, Devin Nunes steps aside after vote to release GOP Memo--groups objected.

DJT kicked up fuss over Comey's flight home on FBI firing. Asked McCabe how he voted.

Andrew McCabe has stepped down as FBI Deputy Dr. under onslaught from trmp.

Book trailer, Secret of the Nagas--

Whirling dervishes of Istanbul.

Dara Shikoh Album Page--on sale at Christies-- It will run into millions, someone buy it. 1-29-2018

Dendrobium Thein Sein--my joint poem with ko ko thett

Statistical analysis of Trump's lies.

Light purple hair like Kesha Rose.

Clear now? My letter to Sen. Webb from 2009.
Activists before going to Webb hearing, 2009, photos, KMK They were starting their "two pronged approach to Burma policy." Later, Christiane Amanpour asked "my question." But Burma activism is almost dead now, with former groupies baking bread, doing pizza delivery and court and hospital interpreting. But before you sneer and heap scorn on people, think, could you do it.?? I think that people can do grass roots level jobs means they are uncorrupted, and anyway, it is not their fault. There is no shame in honest labor. All the funding fell away, everyone went to Burma, some jumping the fence and getting land in exchange. Up to 10 acres each and licenses to import cars, which are very rare in Burma. I know the names. Majority were people I had worked with before 2011, some even closely. As they say, "Time gives you the correct answer." So I think it is laughable when a family friend asked me, "If you benefited from (the exile govt.), when they are down can you suffer with them?" I did not "benefit" from a survival level NGO job. I stayed alive to write and paint another day. Since I did not benefit, there is no question of "suffering with them." We did nothing wrong, unlike the junta which has done everything wrong, caused countless deaths and social disruption. I wish fools who know nothing would just keep their mouths shut. Such as the women who asked if I got an advance for self published books, or if the jobs at Thai univs. were tenured. As far as I know, tenure track does not exist in S.E. Asia. Ask anyone who self-published how many copies they sold. In Burma, people get sinecures if they are related to someone, and similarly get fired if they are related to persona non grata. About 40 people are fired each time one person is purged politically. I have been told, many times, by people who worked in UN agencies, that to get a UN job, you need to be related to someone inside the UN. You need a Burmese passport. Another person asked/told me to be careful, the CIA would recruit me. Why? If anyone looks on CIA job site, they will see they only need Arab speakers. I've never seen an open source job for Burmese speakers. So please shut up. It's getting late and we are getting old and tired. When you get old, you lose patience. km Kyi May Kaung Words Sounds and Images

Hollywood Walk of Fame Sept 2016

Photos, K. M. Kaung copyright.

Trmp's Hollywood star I was there Sept 2016, did not care for it, thought he paid for it, no one paid any attention to it or any other stars then. 1-29-2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Be not afraid--Stitchless TV-- I've already refashioned countless sarongs into jackets,and opera coats, re-decorated some that were too plain,cut down dresses to short tops with peplum shapes and used the skirt parts to generate bias binding, AND sold items as wearable art at craft fairs. Be not afraid. Sometimes the fabric, such as silk or ethnic weaves are Excellent. I regret piles of clothes I donated before I got the idea. kmk 1-28-2018

wikihow--enjoy life after 50


Nana Mouskouri sings in Mandarin-- Each language has its own cadences.

Elton John-- Abide with me-- And that's it for our Sunday special music post. Note: Leonard Cohen was ordained as a Zen Priest. 1-28-2018

Nessum Dorma--none shall sleep--from Turandot

Leonard Cohen sings Halleluja

va pensiero

Special post late great Leonard Cohen--Democracy

This is the best--SNL--Hallelujah Even though things went wrong I stand before the God of song. Leonard Cohen

This is probably the best of McKinnon, but warning Adult--wait till they do Stormy Daniels.

This is probably the best--"Kair--lee-anne Cawnway" Unfortunately, Bellyache did not shut up. One more coming from McKinnon File. Enjoy. 1-28-2018

Kate McKinnon does the Jeff Sessions thing--

Ruth Bader Ginsburg says "Gins-burn"

SNL--Kate McKinnon as Robert Mueller--"I'm having a blast."

Headlines 1-28-2018--sorry, no time.

Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad dies in Sweden at 91 BBC News 2h ago Related Coverage Inter IKEA Group | Newsroom : Ingvar Kamprad has passed away Most Referenced Inter IKEA Group | Newsroom - Ikea 1m ago Swedish IKEA founder Kamprad dies at 91 Reuters 53m ago Billionaire Ingvar Kamprad, who founded IKEA from his family farm at age 17, dead at 91 Business Insider 1h ago Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad dies aged91 In Depth The Guardian 24m ago [USA TODAY] Florida Sen. Rubio fires chief of staff for 'improper conduct' involving a subordinate USA TODAY 55m ago Related Coverage Senator Marco Rubio Announces Staff Changes - Press Releases - U.S. Senator for Florida, Marco Rubio Most Referenced Senator Marco Rubio Dec 29, 2017 [Washington Post] Trump sought release of classified Russia memo, putting him at odds with Justice Department Washington Post 17h ago Related Coverage Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit Highly Cited New York Times Jan 25, 2018 [Washington Post] Russian protesters urge boycott of presidential vote even as opposition leader Navalny is arrested Washington Post 26m ago Related Coverage In Photos: Russians Take to the Streets Calling for Elections Boycott From Russia The Moscow Times 4m ago [Politico] Trump's $1 trillion plan inspires 'Hunger Games' angst Politico 3h ago [New York Times] Roger Federer Wins the Australian Open for His 20th Grand Slam Title New York Times 3h ago Related Coverage Australian Open: Roger Federer beats Marin Cilic in five sets to win sixth Open, and 20th major title From Australia ABC Online 3h ago World [Reuters] Shock gives way to despair in Kabul after ambulance bomb Reuters 55m ago Related Coverage Casualty figures rise in Kabul, along with tensions, in suicide bombing's wake Local Source Stars and Stripes 1h ago [New York Daily News] Japan foreign minister hopes for improved ties with China New York Daily News 10h ago Related Coverage China, Japan agree to hold China-Japan-ROK summit as soon as possible From China Xinhua 1h ago [New York Times] Climber Rescued on Pakistan's 'Killer Mountain,' but Another Is in Peril New York Times 1h ago Related Coverage climbers - The Nation Most Referenced The Nation 3h ago [Washington Post] Freed Saudi prince's Kingdom Holding firm climbs 10 percent Washington Post 1h ago Related Coverage Saudi Arabia: Corruption-related Settlements File in its Final Stages Local Source Asharq Al-awsat English 1h ago More World stories U.S. [BuzzFeed News] Hillary Clinton Let Him Stay. Women Say His Harassment Continued. BuzzFeed News 11h ago Related Coverage Clinton responds to report about Burns Strider Video Newsy [ABC News] Koch political action committee to ramp up spending in midterms, fight for Dreamers ABC News 9h ago [Fox News] Justice Ginsburg to skip State of the Union, signals she has no plans to retire Fox News 3h ago Related Coverage Ginsburg will not attend Trump's first State of the Union Highly Cited The Hill (blog) 13h ago [Washington Post] Air Force One's new refrigerators will cost taxpayers $24 million Washington Post 18h ago Related Coverage Contracts - US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Contract View Most Referenced US DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Contract View 2h ago More U.S. stories Business [NPR] Steve Wynn Stepping Down As RNC Finance Chairman Amid Sexual Misconduct Allegations NPR 16h ago Related Coverage RNC finance chair Steve Wynn resigns after sexual harassment allegations Highly Cited Politico 19h ago [Reuters] ATM makers warn of 'jackpotting' hacks on US machines Reuters 14h ago Elon Musk's Boring Co. flamethrower is real, $500 and up for pre-order TechCrunch 13h ago Related Coverage Elon Musk on Twitter: "Hats sold out, flamethrowers soon!" Most Referenced Twitter 6m ago [Washington Post] '

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Fire & Fury fallout--Mueller set to question Bannon on firings of Flynn and Comey. We don't know if Bannon in fact told writer Michael Wolff stuff, intentionally to provide a trail of breadcrumbs. Bannon's not a fool, in spite of his extreme R mentality/ideology, and neither is anyone else. 1-24-2018

Demonstrations in Davos and speeches against trmp.

Health--8 year old boy dies in 8 days of flesh eating bacteria

Fatal Tesla crash

What did Shah Jahan eat?

Super Indian food website

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

These novels are about white people in Java.

Comey and Sessions questioned for hours in Russia Probe.

Nathan Gunn as Papageno in Mozart's The Magic Flute, sets and costumes by July Taymor.

Adam Entous & Evan Osnos for the New Yorker: Kushner is China's Trump Card.

A must read. Anybody can see the couple is sucking up to the Chinese--even their child was trotted out to deliver greetings in Mandarin to Presdt Xi. Maybe they learned all this from Burma. Hollow laugh. 1-23-2018

From 2017. Literary agents call for Muslim writers.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Titian painting once given to Charles I's plumber goes up for sale--plumbers expensive even then.

Not at the end game yet, an article and transcript of VOA interview I did a few years ago.

Democratization in Burma: Dr Sein Win, PM in Exile speaks out By Kyi May Kaung Dr.Sein Win Lately, there are endless reports of people going to Burma, so much so that as the saying goes – chaung pauk tawme, or a river will soon run through the worn footpath. It was therefore refreshing to note that the usually soft-spoken Dr Sein Win, elected Prime Minister of the US-based National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma, gave an interview to VOA, in which he calmly pointed out that we are still not at the end game with regards to democracy in Burma. Sein Win was elected to his constituent state in the 1990 election, which Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy won. Power was not transferred. In danger of arrest, he and other MPs fled to the Burma-Thai border, where they formed the Exile Government in the Karen stronghold of Manerplaw, which fell to SLORC’s forces (the former name of the State Peace and Development Council – the Burmese junta). Sein Win has a doctorate in mathematics from a German university, but has spent the last two decades as a political activist and advocate for Burmese democracy. In 2009, in Malahyde, Ireland, he was re-elected by secret ballot to the Prime Minister post . Here Three prominent dissidents including the famous comedian Zarganar who was recently released and was at a National Endowment for Democracy event in DC a few days ago, reiterated points made by Sein Win. I transcribed and informally translated this. MC Thar Nyunt Oo’s intro: Even though it is said there are reforms in Burma, because there is still no political solution, there is still a need for overseas-based activist groups, according to Dr Sein Win, PM of the Exile Government or NCGUB. When VOA’s Khin Soe Win interviewed him, Sein Win explained – “Yes, on our part, we do welcome the changes that show a positive sign. This is a hopeful trend. However, in some areas (change) is not consistent. For example, ceasefires with respect to various ethnic groups. In Kachin State, (the Burman army) is still waging a serious offensive. Besides heated battles, civilians are suffering all kinds of troubles. We do need to look at this, talk about this. The release of political prisoners is not yet complete. “They let go of the leaders, but there are still many (about 1000) still in prison. So it’s not consistent. Also, in the nature of reforms, it’s not enough just with this one issue. From the background, (just) laws (which come from grass roots debate of the people’s legitimate representatives) must appear. The 2010 election was rigged and the “constitution” written entirely by the SPDC. Interviewer: “As they did not recognize the 1990 election, if she (Aung San Suu Kyi) should win the by-election . . . will government recognize the results?” “I think, they will help organize it so that it’s free and fair. I assume they will accept the emerging results. By-elections are in only over 40 places. The total number is over 450. “Even though they may do things equitably for these 48 places, when the general election takes place, they need to be fair. Q. I have heard that if the NLD registers as a political party, the Exile Government will dissolve itself. What is your opinion? “Now they will enter (the by-election) and run – in April, the MPs will get into the parliament. Aung San Suu Kyi will get there too. When that happens, whether it will be an Exile Government, or a Parallel Coalition Government, will be something to think about. . . There is the main base which elected the NCGUB. We have something called the Members of Parliamentary Union (outside Burma), and it will be decided there by majority vote. Q. What is the NCGUB’s future role? Will you go back? Some have been invited. “Some people say go back, for this to happen, that to happen. That’s not the main point. “The main point is – how much progress there is inside the country. How much real freedom do the people have? Is there a real political solution? Right now there is not. What Suu Kyi calls a breakthrough is a political solution. The main point is to give full democratic rights. It depends on the constitution” Note – in the 1990s, Suu Kyi called the constitution “just something written on a slip of paper.” “In the present SPDC’s constitution, there are points which are not democratic, which are opposed to democracy. Daw Suu has said this clearly too. There are some corrective changes, but they are not solutions. For instance – ceasefire. Ceasefire alone is not the ultimate solution. We’ve had ceasefire with the Kachin for 17 years already, now they’re shooting again. Because problems have not been solved. What we want is a real solution. Go on the right path for politics, economics, social welfare. “The economy too must be the right system. Now there’s crony capitalism. This is not right for our country. Only when we have the solution can we say there’s democracy”. In Jeffersonian democracy, it is still a continuous process, not a static situation. Q. Will you go back to help? “It’s not necessary to go to Burma to work on Burma issues. It can be done from outside too. OK, right now we have a bit more freedoms, we have more this and that. Ceasefires. But these have not reached the end of the process. What stage has freedom of news reached? Yes, when they invite you, you can go” (Khin Soe Win was first journalist to go) “When they talk to you and issue statements, you can listen and report it. But can you really write what you want? There is still censorship. We know that. “These things must be pointed out. Constructive criticism exists even in a democracy. From the outside we can point these things out. That’s our job.” You can see it on Rohingya Blogger.

Fire and Fury being used by hackers to install malware.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Rome in Britania, Caligula, Claudius--documentary--

My poem Poetic Justice

Good Rohingya blog--

trump is a racist period, but ex wife says he isn't. He married her, didn't he? Present wife silent.

Hawaii missile alert--how one employee pushed the wrong button--

Emblematic of those places, Jakarta stock exchange mezzanine collapses--

Republican senator Jeff Flake compares trump's remarks to Stalin's--

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Novel--Rachel Kushner--Telex from Cuba.

One of my best beloved books--A Canticle for Saint Leibowtz--the end of the world and the troubled life of the author.

Oh boy, oh girl--better would be T and porn star going into the shithole hotel--you can't make this stuff up.

"Shithole" word of the week projected onto Trump DC hotel--he deserves it.
Image from Bell and Politico 1-14-2018

Poetry--Dylan Thomas--Love in the Asylum--"worn thin by my walking tears."

Buzzfeed news--why you should get a flu shot now if you have not already--

Washington Post--This year's very bad flu--fatal--

Saturday, January 13, 2018

From 2010, Mohammad Al Fayed on why he sold Harrods--

Flowers outside Kensington Palace for Princess Diana--from past--

Dodi and Diana statue to be removed from Harrods and returned to Mr Al Fayed.
Photos from Internet

In memory of victims of California mudslides--I have had such happy times there--RIP.

At Lotusland, Montecito --personal photos 2016.

Very sad--victims of California mudslides-- Montecito and Santa Barbara are such "dreamland areas" and to have all this happen. Victims of mudslides who escaped earlier fires. As you see, affluence is no guard against natural disasters. 1-13-2018

Luke Harding's bestselling book--Collusion

A bumbling White House, fake tweets by "WH doctor" (who can't spell his own name) etc etc. Woman who was paid $150,000 to keep quiet about her affair with trump--her name is Stormy Daniels. Straight out of fiction. 1-13-2018

Friday, January 12, 2018

DJT utters another untruth, new US embassy London OK-ed by Bush, not Obama--he just did not want to go, that's all.

Porn star reportedly paid to stay quiet about Trump.

US Ambassador to Panama resigns saying he can't work with Trump.

Japan to provide $3m for Rohingya return to Burma, but they will monitor and pay in stages-- Going back to another barracks-like situation?? Not good. 1-12-2018

Burmese general Min Aung Hlaing admits 10 !!! Rohingya killed, but "they were terrorists"

Talk on Rohingya Genocide--1-10-2018

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Freezing in N America and baking in Australia--and we're not talking about food.

LA Times op ed--why believe Michael Wolff

Dickens--images from wiki--in boot black factory, Marshalsea debtors' prison to which his father was sent--

Dickens and his characters, on first US tour 1843 and in old age--empty chair after death. This print alone sold very well.

Charles Dickens (last post for today)

Life to fiction--

How to write historical fiction--

Guardian--how to write fiction

10 best Horatio Nelson books
Horatio Nelson and HMS Victory on which he was killed.

My official website

Fire in the Eves to Major Conflagration--my article in Truthout from 2014
Poetry reading in front of Burmese Embassy DC Personal collection 2011. with DC Poets Against the War.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Kindle sample--Fire and Fury, Inside the Trump White House--by Michael Wolff Selling like hot cakes, quite competitively priced. This one is written like a novel too, in the new journalism style, but I don't share some of Wolff's opinions, such as Conway has a "telegenic face" and I am not sure if the people featured really thought that way, unless they specifically told him so. One reviewer on Amazon says it feels like eating one gallon of ice cream in one go, with predictable side effects. So far I have resisted the urge to buy it. I don't want Wolff's views/take to influence my own. Besides, I already know the Wolff book is taking a tremendous toll on the DJT Admin, so it mist have done its work well. Bravo. kmk 1-6-2018

My novella The Rider of Crocodiles--set in ancient Burma and Siam

Some of my books on the Kindle Store--

The Rachel Maddow Show "The Blob"--"unending list of firings and resignations in DJT admin-- Including WH lawyers' wife Mrs. McGahn who was secretary to Mnuchin, Treasury Secretary. I think DJT Admin might be finished, high level meeting in cold planned this weekend at Camp David, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions not invited. Sounds like DJT about to do something really stupid. His tweets say he is "a very stable genius." k 1-6-2018
All images from Internet

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.