Thursday, March 08, 2018

Breaking news--now trmp says he will meet Kim Jong Un one on one--of course the S Koreans, who announced this at the WH, want this--but is it WISE??

Don't think so, just one of those trmp super distractions. As Mueller amps up and Stormy Daniels porn star, sues. Michael Cohen ( trmp lawyer's) $130,000 payment, "out of his own money" Cohen says, was flagged as suspicious by the bank. Cohen says he has not been repaid. Stay tuned. trmp tried to hold his wife's hand again as they got off the plane, sliding his own hand down her arm. What a move, so sly, even with his own wife. She "put her hand away." This whole trmp circus is full of the most perverted, lying, cheating people. I wish we did not need to hear abt it all the time, and hope it ends soon. 3-8-2018

Much to read from the Atlantic--incld--Friday Night Massacre.