Wednesday, June 20, 2018

My tweet storm, World Refugee Day.

Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 1m1 minute ago On our way back from the Grand Canyon trip, we boarded planes in Las Vegas. My red jacket fell on the floor & I got dust on it. Liz said, "Look at you, K, you look like a refugee." "I am, didn't you know?" So are we all. If we sought refuge, we are refugees. kmk 6-19-2018 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 6m6 minutes ago All the crimes committed during state-sanctioned separation should be tried in Court. Who's he, HITLER? Ever saw movie or read Sophie's Choice. Pl do. Today is World Refugee Day. 6-20-2018 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes Kyi Kaung ‏ @KyiKaung 8m8 minutes ago trmp (intentionally mispelled) just thought he'd stamp on the smallest youngest most vulnerable of us as "distraction" Well, he was WRONG. If it's not his policy, whose is it?? kirsten should resign. EVERY CHILD separated must be reunited with his or her parents. 0 replies 0 retweets 1 like

Wllie Nelson--You don't know me.