Thursday, October 04, 2018

The mechanics of the thing also probably set against Dr Christine Blasey Ford and other accusers.

1. What 26 point font looks like. Normal 12 point font. Double spaced. I can't increase the font on Blogspot. 2. The mike. At the beginning of the Hearing last week, Dr Ford politely asked for "some caffeine" after she finished reading her formal statement. Before that the chair Grassley asked (someone) if mike box could be moved closer. Someone (technician?) said No. Dr Ford: It's OK, I will lean forward. (In testimony, on TV, Dr Ford can be seen constantly leaning forward. The mike is bent at the top. I worked in professional radio for 3 years. The "problem" is not nuclear physics, the mike's neck could be easily straightened.) Dr. Ford is a tall woman with a long neck. I just sketched her portrait today, so I know. The Hearing has the RESPONSIBILITY to make sure the WITNESS can be clearly heard. Throughout, Repubs had a lot of blah blah blah, but Sen. Kamala Harris nailed (kava.) with just one QUESTION-- Harris: Did you watch Dr. Ford's testimony. Kava: (characteristic sniff) No. Harris: Thank you. (Turns off her mike with a flourish) Thank you, Sen. Harris. See, Bloomberg transcript, also in Washington Post. 3. FBI Report--did not interview about 20 WITNESSES. Did not interview Ms Ramirez or Michael Avenatti's client Ms Swetnick. See Michael A.'s Twitter acct. 4. ze trmp--insulted female reporters made fun of Dr Ford. CONCLUSION, trmp and his nominee kava are junk, and they are all SCARED. More later, stay tuned. 10-4-2018

Crash Crash Crash--This is an Emergency--