Thursday, October 04, 2018

The Rachel Maddow Show--10-4-2018 McConnell "set the clock" for the vote on Supreme Court Nominee Jeff Kavanaugh for 10.30 AM tomorrow (cloture vote) giving senators little time to review one copy of FBI report that was completed in less than one week. I saw on CNN about 5 PM while I was having dinner in a restaurant that the Senators are "reviewing the FBI report in a secure location" I assume the one copy has been scanned and they are reviewing them on TV or laptop screens. At least one (Republican) was photographed last week with about 5 sentences printed on paper in 26 point font. * Hundreds demonstrate in Hart Building, traveling from as far away as Maine and Alaska. Retired Supreme Court Justice Stephenson says Kava. is not fit by lack of judicial temperament to sit on the Court. Democrat Chris Coons says he can't be sure to say which way his (Republican) colleagues will vote. But we will see. 10-4-2018
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in Hearing last week, from Internet.