Saturday, May 18, 2019

Herman Wouk, author, dead at 103

He's right, an imaginative life never grows old and you live "everywhere" at once--

In 1983 I had just arrived, had no TV in my dorm room and watched Winds of War on weekends with my friends.

I still remember shoe-faced Robert Mitchum as Pug.

The novel is told in a very creative way with P's family members, beginning with the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Then years later I read my $1 copy of Winds bought at the Bethesda Writers Center fr their used books.

I read all the books too I bought for a few cents each at Princeton flea markets.

I'm glad I did.  But I sent them all back to Burma, so I don't have them now.

Like Lord of the Flies, and Sophie's Choice.

Herman Wouk was really "woke" like his name--just look at his photos, very alive and engaged to the end.

That's how we should strive to be.

Louis Wallinski who was Burmese democratically elected PM U Nu's eco. advisor in 1950s was like that.

Maybe physical frailer, but as someone said, "still firing off op eds via email at nearly age 100" when he passed away.

Burmese singer and Aung San Suu Kyi's friend Dora (Ma Than E Fend) was like that, moving house internationally in her 90s, I think.

We shld live a bourgeois life but leave the fireworks for our art and life's work.

Be well, read and write.


Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online