Sunday, May 19, 2019

U Kyaw Win, My Conscience, An Exile's Memoir

I only found out today about this from U Kyaw Win.

It's very well written, from the sample, and has an even tone, to my mind neither self-satisfied nor unduly spiteful, though the pain is evident.

I've known U Kyaw Win in the Overseas Democracy Movement since 1997 when I was in Boulder CO for the Conference on International Affairs, when I interviewed him for Radio Free Asia.

On the surface, he comes across as rather brusque, even rude at times, confrontational.

But this is a well-written book, full of detail and emotion.  Written in a very accessible manner, with great honesty.

As there aren't many good books on Burma, I thought I'd recommend this book, even though I have not read the whole of it yet.

Part of being in The Movement was meeting many committed activists like U Kyaw Win.



Sagaing earthquake--building collapse in Bangkok--Ava Bridge in Myanmar--many images online