Monday, May 27, 2019

MANY LIES, small smattering of truth, in trump-Abe press conference--just happened.


"Tariffs are 'spread around'"

They cant be "spread around" as by law apply only to Japanese imports into USA.

LIE:  "Economy has boomed under my admin."


LIE:  Farmers are happy

They are not.

Little bit true

first exaggeration--"We have taken in millions and millions of $$ from tariffs"

yes, but US citizens are paying the higher prices.  Countries that don't levy import taxes on goods from Japan unaffected by US tariffs.  Their standard of living as regards imports from Japan stays about the same, assuming other things like their income at individual level, money supply, etc remain the same.

Plain language--buying a sewing machine, batteries etc etc clothes imported from China and Japan will become more expensive for me, but not for a woman say in another country which does not levy tariffs or taxes on Japanese imports.

After a few mins, it became "billions and billions of $$" typical trump, it grows in his bloody mouth.

He said, "out of billions, we pay subsidy to farmers"

but--bottom line, US Citizens/Consumers/taxpayers are paying

see below for farmers.


partly true or true.

"Farmers are patriots, they just asked for a level playing field."

He almost said "laying playing field", must have been thinking of travel companion hopey hicks.

His face and skin were very red.

Looks very pressured.



cartoons from Internet and Mike Smith.

Rare earths and Burma/Myanmar