Monday, June 17, 2019

Professor of English at Rangoon University, U Myo Min, + mention of Miss Virginia Geiger.

I still wish I had followed U Myo Min's advice, and taken English Literature.

I went to see him, as he asked to see me.  I had taken E Lit as well as Burmese Lit for 2 years in college.  I remember some of the lecturers, most notable Raymond Adlam from the British Cuncil.

I told U Myo Min I could read English on my own, but I couldn't read Economics, so I was taking Ecos.

I can still see him shaking his head.

In 2004 I found he had written a beautiful obituary for my father U Kaung.



WH gloats as Bezos takes Washington Post full MAGA--now we know contribution amounts to T. campaign--