Burma, America, The World, Art, Literature, Political Economy through the eyes of a Permanent Exile. "We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the oppressed. Sometimes we must interfere. . . There is so much injustice and suffering crying out for our attention . . . writers and poets, prisoners in so many lands governed by the left and by the right." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Speech, 1986, Oslo. This entire site copyright Kyi May Kaung unless indicated otherwise.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
taylor swift's songs and lyrics--
nothing seemed notable or memorable to me--
but expertly packaged and "acted out."
Not like, for instance, John Lennon or Elvis Presley's songs or other famous songs.
Must be appealing to America's or the world's mediocre heart.
That said, I think the current boy friend and she are well-suited and shld just get married.
But if they don't get married it will be more exciting for the fans when news of all the wars gets stale.
Or maybe it's the 2 b. The picture of her with her first boyfriend before the breast job was just another teenager.
It shows in America you can invent yourself as anything.
Saturday, December 30, 2023
Friday, December 29, 2023
Daw Tin Zar Maw Naing's memoir--Burmese Heart
The book fails to say that Dr Ba Maw was Adipadi during the Japanese Occupation. That would make him the Burmese equivalent of Marshal Petain.
From Petain wiki-- State collaboration with Germany Part of a series on Antisemitism Part of Jewish history and discrimination History Timeline Reference Definitions Manifestations Antisemitic tropes Antisemitic publications Antisemitism on the Internet Prominent figures Persecution Opposition Category v t e
Within months, Pétain signed antisemitic ordinances. This included the Law on the status of Jews, prohibiting Jews from exercising numerous professions, and the Law regarding foreign nationals of the Jewish race, authorizing the detention of foreign Jews. Pétain's government was nevertheless internationally recognised, notably by the U.S., at least until the German occupation of the rest of France. Neither Pétain nor his successive deputies, Laval, Pierre-Étienne Flandin, or Admiral François Darlan, gave significant resistance to requests by the Germans to indirectly aid the Axis powers. When Hitler met Pétain at Montoire in October 1940 to discuss the French government's role in the new "European Order", the handshake he offered to Hitler caused much uproar in London, and probably influenced Britain's decision to lend Free France naval support for their operations in Gabon.[58] Furthermore, France even remained formally at war with Germany, albeit opposed to the Free French. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_P%C3%A9tain I found the difference in writing style between DawTin Zar and her granddaughter jarring. The 2nd scene of her arrest, when she needed hot water for the baby is moving. Also when she comments on the "Karmic Payback" of MI (Military Intelligence) Tin Oo's son having physical and mental problems. The book said Dr Ba Maw told Saya San as his defense lawyer he "couldn't win." What kind of defense lawyer is that? A defense lawyer's job is to put up a good defense, even if he thinks the defendant is guilty. This was told to me by an American woman married to someone from France whose brother is a defense lawyer. Considering the dramatic life she lived, I think the writing could be better. I met her younger daughter in Canada in the1990s. She said she "just could not stand it anymore." (The stress of political life.) There were also twin boys named Ho Chi and Mao Tse. I don't know any more. I must have read the excerpts on Facebook in 2015, during the so-called Open Period or "Transition Period." kmk 12-29-2023
Free copy of Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn--Gutenberg Project--read only.
It makes the text bigger on my laptop, but I like to read lying down.
So it goes.
Mark Twain wrote very well.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
op ed by Kyaw Zwa Moe
KZM is brother of Irra founder and chief editor Aung Zaw.
Wednesday, December 27, 2023
RIP--Patricia Janeckova--d Oct 2023, age 25.
Why is it that whenever I come across a beautiful artist, on Youtube, they are gone already.
Rest in Peace, Lovely Angel.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023
From Myanmar Now--petrol, fake ads for recruiting by junta--etc
Sagaing airstrikes
https://myanmar-now.org/en/news/civilians-injured-by-junta-artillery-in-mrauk-u-clashes-between-military-arakan-army/ https://myanmar-now.org/en/news/tnla-seizes-manton-takes-full-control-of-palaung-region/end
Burma news mixed bag--12-26-2023
Not clear where people flee to--
I think the military response is disproportionate.
infantry division surrenders in Lukkai,ShanState.
First Chin Constitution.
https://www.irrawaddy.com/opinion/guest-column/the-first-chin-written-constitution-a-new-template-for-self-determination.html</blockquote> Is the country going to become balkanized? km 12-26-2023
From Leo Tolstoy--Youth--The Stepmother
As John Gardner wrote "A writer is someone on whom nothing is lost."
Sofya Tolstoy's autobiography--not as frank as her diaries, of course,
It did seem as if she loved her husband
and she did copy his mss--and managed the estate and bore him 13 children--
and he must have been difficult to live with--
there were ideas he abandoned--like the novel based on Peter the Great--because "the characters did not breathe."
Readers think it all comes easily--it doesn't--try it yourself some time.
Some people I know can't finish sentences, can't write more than 3 pages--etc.
But Leo T made a big big mistake--he should not have let his wife read his diaries of his "wenching."
I tend to think writers and artists should not marry--on the one hand it's a big chain and on the other--people need a partner--esp. in this day and age--where one is expected to be able to do everything well.
But most of all, I dislike those who sit on their butt and go holier than thou. I didn't even know Barbara Walters and Kirstie Alley died in 2022. I bid you peace and a happy new year. km 12-25-2023
Sofya Tolstoy's diaries+ Leo Tolstoy--Childhood
In modern life she would have left--so tormented.
Leo Tolstoy--Childhood--
written when he was 20--Just amazing voice and detail--and progression of the story.
The genius who was Sofya's husband--he called her Sonya.
Monday, December 25, 2023
Sunday, December 24, 2023
AI--VideoPoet--Think about it.
Mona Lisa yawning
text to image
using images already in public domain.
Maybe one can use one's own images (created by oneself) or photos you take yourself.
Some would say it sullies the original--
like the horrible AI generated text from say Tolstoy.
And the Creators of the Originals (if they are still alive and their heirs need to protect their own intellectual property--think about it.)
Writers,poets, artists suffer for their art.
There needs to be better laws.
It's too easy, too glib.
It's a kind of cute theft.
Kyi May Kaung 12-24-2023
Clooney Foundation for Justice
She has mentioned Myanmar several times.
It's Christmas, and Christ did die on the Cross, crucified by Romans.
Read or watch The Robe--
Be tolerant of other people's skin color and religion and their right to live.
Only the junta and other dictators have forfeited this right by their actions.
Don't just sit there and eat turkey.
Saturday, December 23, 2023
Irrawaddy 12-23-2023--Dictator blames British--AI says junta guilty of war crimes--Mantong bombed 180 tines
4 links--end.
Friday, December 22, 2023
From Irrawaddy--female freedom fighter etc
The TNLA said it attacked the base on Wednesday, sparking a fierce response as junta forces deployed a fighter jet and Harbin Y12 plane to drop over 200 bombs on the town and nearby areas.
The airstrikes damaged a dozen homes and a monastery, the TNLA said.
Meanwhile, the junta base bombarded eight surrounding villages and locations with 78 rounds of artillery, it added.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Ah Nyient performer on why she left Burma--
Informal translation -- and summary-- "At first they quelled the gatherings with tear gas--but after I saw a young person shot right there in front of me, I couldn't stand it any more and left (for Thalland.) --Then friends said 'Elder Sister, since you are here already, why not perform again?' So that's why I started again.--I just want to see people smiling and laughing again with their families. Some people (support the junta) but I can't swallow that kind of rice. -Bogyoke Aung San (Aung San Suu Kyi's father) founded the Burmese Army(during World War II, Japanese Occupation) but Aung San's army did not kill the people. What this military junta is doing--burning, killing, maiming, torturing, is not acceptable. This Revolution must succeed." --Gives 3-finger salute. _-Ah Nyeint is a song and dance comedy routine with the female star accompanied by 2-4 clowns who often make (political) jokes. kmk 12-17-2023
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Arakan Army claims more victories in Rakhine--
This is not the time to visit the beach at Ngapali--near Thandwe. Ngapali is said to be named after Naples by ???
Ko Aung Zaw Irrawaddy seldom writes anything personal
but this is very nice--to keep a magazine going for so long is wonderful.
I've known him since I worked in radio on M St. in the late1990s. He brought xeroxes of Chief Justice Myint Thein's poems in English.
I'd see him now and then in D.C. and at Burma conferences in Gottenberg and Helsinki and art exhibitions in Chiangmai.
When there was a print edition, I received a free copy in the mail every month.
Thank you.
Most of the 1988 generation who did not die but came overseas have done well.
Some unfortunately seem to have flipped sides during the so-called transition period.
Even during that time, 2 Reuters journalists including Wa Lone were arrested--Ko Par Gyi was murdered.
There must be many others I have not heard of.
Then there are the legions of Citizen Journalists taking photos and reporting on a daily basis.
I am struck by the high quality artistically of the photos--taken maybe with cell phones and under very difficult conditions.
I feel it's time for the rest of us to appreciate their contribution.
When I worked at that radio station, I asked about life insurance and some language and survival training --no answer from the blasted management--
Incidentally, I'd like you all to read Paul Pringle's book, Bad City about an eye surgeon and dean at USC (Univ of Southern California) who was dealing drugs and raping women, and his corruption spreading to the LA Times--management where Pringle worked and how he and a small team managed to at last oust these criminals.
I found the book on the free shelf in my eye specialist's waiting room.
Sometimes I take books I won't read again and leave them there.
But I keep more books than I give away. It's not about being tidy, it's about feeding your brain.
Above all please read.
It's a horrible thing not to know what is happening around you.
Poet Saya Zawgyi taught me so much--
Kyi May Kaung
Friday, December 15, 2023
Potentially useful to Brotherhood Alliane--pl send on--Hamas in Gaza.
Look up the tunnels ofCuchi in Vietnam war.
despite the revamped effort at fighting the enemy on their own terms, U.S. operations remained insufficient at eliminating the tunnels completely. In 1967, General William Westmoreland tried to launch a larger assault on Củ Chi and the Iron Triangle. Called Operation Cedar Falls, it was similar to the previous Operation Crimp but was on a larger scale with 30,000 troops, instead of 8,000. On January 18, tunnel rats from the 1st Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division uncovered the Viet Cong district headquarters of Củ Chi, containing half a million documents concerning all types of military strategy. Among the documents were maps of U.S. bases, detailed accounts of PLAF movement from Cambodia into Vietnam, lists of political sympathizers, and even plans for a failed assassination attempt on Robert McNamara.[citation needed]
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Interviews of Retired Brigador-General Dr. Mi Mi Wynn Byrd in Burmese--
In general she said--
International community is amazed by success of Operation 1027.
There is good co-ordination between the Resistance Forces and that's why they are winning.
Junta has destroyed everything incld economy; talked about inflation.
Only a handful of nations support Burma--mostly Russia, equipt also Russian.
Burma is of strategic, vital importance in the Asia-Pacific region.
Endemic corruption in the junta military.
They need to be a professional army. Stuck in 1950s.
The interviewers should help her with the Burmese equivalent of terminology.
That a Burmese woman/Asian-American should rise to such a high post is admirable.
Guest column--Igor Blazevic--Irrawaddy.
The junta will try to stall and hedge--castle--in chess terms.
The longer this thing runs on the better it will be for the junta.
You can write directly--email or phone the US WH.
Stop all the talk talk talk. Forget the UN and ASEAN.
Go to the WH official site--where there are phone numbers and a button for email.
Keep it short, use polite language--don't send junk.
It's a criminal offense if you try to hack or spike their site or any other site.
Stay within the word limit--don't go on a rant.
Do it today please.
New post based on old post--
Opera about City Planning (my subject for my 2nd MA)
My first MA from Rangoon Univ--was in Cost-Benefit Analysis for public investment projects
(in Burma and Poland--where at that time interest rates were not in use. Terrible top down decisions for instance in locating factories--)
Some of these cases I brought up again in my PhD. thesis at Penn--available from Proquest. Like the chopstick factory--
By that time I had segued in secret to Political Economy.
Only 6 people knew what I was really working on--
they were (from non-Penn to Penn)
Ronald E.Findlay,economist--International TradeTheorist,Columbia U-Ragnar Nurkse Prof of Ecos.
Josef Silverstein-Burma expert, Rutgers U.
Penn--disstn committee Disstn Chair: Henry Teune--Political Scientist--Systems Specialist Disstn Committee Chair--Herbert Levine--Russia and China specialist--economist Dept Head--Seymour Mandelbaum, City Planning (theorist) Univ of PA. Penn--Burma specialist Donald E. Smith. Then there were the 3 comprehensive examiners--Levine, Mandelbaum and an Indian economist from Wharton. My family nuclear and otherwise don't really know who I am. Even less anyone in Burma or from Burma. People know me "in segments". If I take paintings to sell--they ask for postcards-- If I show short stories to an agent, she asks for a novel-- On a village tour bus--yes,I live in a village too--when I said I sell opera coats I make myself, one lady asked if I was a seamstress-- No--I am not--I am an artist and writer who sometimes makes my own clothes. I don't really like painting commissioned portraits. But as we were about to get on our tour bus, in Mystic, CT, about 5 woman gathered around to hear what I was saying. 2 times an African-American woman in the seat behind me--started talking to me about Burma--from the seat behind me--full 2 hours-- another time a Prof of Journalism, a woman introduced to me to share double-room costs bombarded me with Qs (about Burma) the entire 2 1/2 hours--total 5 hours to NY City and back-- and also she got so engrossed in reading my published short stories--she didn't go to the Eleanor Roosevelt House the way she planned during the only morning we had onour own--I went to see my cousin and her husband. That's what's nice about living in the West, in a village-- Jane Jacobs' book as well as Rachel Carson's Silent Spring were recommended reading. I once tried to catch up with Walter Isard on campus--the founder of Regional Science--he was about 70, I about 40--I could not catch up. More about Isard here--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Isard At least on Zoom people have to sit still.
HHave a nice day full of creative energy. Kyi May Kaung 12-14-2023
Part 2--Irrawaddy interview of DawZin Mar Aung--NUG
Critical voices are always louder. But they are not always bad. I like it. But, when we are overwhelmed by those critical voices, and are out of touch with the reality on the ground, there will only be pessimistic expectations.
There has been certain progress on the ground. We don’t want the international community to lose sight of that. We face challenges, but there are also lessons from the past about what we can do to overcome them, and where the pitfalls lie. We can’t assume that because something happened in the past, the same thing will happen now or in the future. There was no unity in the past and we can’t let the same problem affect us now. We are overcoming this, and I am optimistic about it. My view is there are opportunities for us amid the challenges.
. . .
Suppose the resistance forces gain the upper hand and changes occur. What role will the current military leaders or defectors play? Will they be allowed to participate, and what roles will they be assigned in the reconstruction of the country?
We have a policy in place. But regarding its implementation, we still need to make preparations for technical matters. Some [junta soldiers] have surrendered and some have defected to us. We have to check how many of them have committed war crimes. They will be treated differently depending on the severity of the crimes they have committed. In principle, regarding security sector reform, the Myanmar military has to reform itself. The military is impaired, and it needs to mend. They must understand that they must mend now. If they mend quickly, they may be able to restore ties with the people and salvage their reputation. But if they don’t, they will be forcibly mended. Military leaders and personnel who say they love the Tatmadaw [Myanmar’s military] have to make a choice.
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
myanmar--so-called "peace talks" in Beijing lasted 10 mins--
reminds me of one in 1960s, in house on Inya Rd confiscated from the Kongs--wh now m a has taken for himself.
A Univ of Chicago-trained journalist who was there told
"and then (Brigadier Kyaw Zaw) Bakapa--Burma Communist Party, took off his flip-flopps/sandals, hitched up his longyi and waded across the stream." He was based in Kunming and died in Beijing. Only fools believe the junta. km 12-13-2023
1987 foodie movie--Babette's Feast--based on short story by Isak Denison
I enjoyed this a lot "soak the cod"
to a French chef. :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Copied and pasted from Irrawaddy--excerpt--UN Res. Coordinator should resign--
Yin Yin Nwe geologist is on junta-appointed "Rohingya Committee"--former daughter in law of Ne Win--
None of those INGOs or the UN agencies needed to be at the “conference” to listen to Orwellian talks about the “longevity and health of the nation”, “saving lives of mothers and children”, “accelerating progress in achieving the SDGs [sustainable development goals]”, “good practices”, “ending preventable deaths of newborn and child”, “preparedness and response to Cyclone Mocha”, “best practices in immunization” from the mouths of those who are waging a war of terror against the civilian population of the country, who are indiscriminately killing children, bombing hospitals and schools, preventing food and medicine from reaching millions of IDPs and who are intentionally weaponizing humanitarian aid.
They did not need to participate as extras in the junta’s propaganda show. The UN’s rules of engagement for UN agencies operating in Myanmar instruct them not to participate in junta-staged events. However, on Dec. 4, Corsi—according to local staff working for UN agencies—gave the green light to the UN agencies’ staff to decide for themselves whether to participate. For those unfamiliar with the workings of the NGO community, while the UN coordinator has authority only over UN agencies, INGOs do look to the UN for policy hints and their behavior is influenced by it.
It is easy to imagine what happened behind the scenes. The junta’s “Ministry of Health” would have been very nervous about what sort of a show they would be able to put on for their boss. The fear felt by subordinates in dictatorships is a serious matter. Nobody takes it lightly when one gets info that the big boss will be there as well. So junta subordinates would have put significant pressure on the UN agencies and INGOs that they must send someone to the “very important conference”, otherwise their already very restricted access could become even more restricted.
As UN resident coordinator, Corsi for sure received a few phone calls as well. He probably talked with Yin Yin Nwe, either upon her, or his own, initiative. In Myanmar UN circles there is a story going around that when national staff advise Corsi in any matters, he tends to say, “We need to check/verify.” Everybody understands that that means, “Let me ask Yin Yin Nwe.”
Yin Yin Nwe is a powerful and influential woman with a long career that includes high positions in UNICEF as well as successive Myanmar military regimes. In the aftermath of the 2021 Myanmar coup d’état, Yin Yin Nwe was appointed as a member to the Advisory Board of the State Administration Council (SAC), the junta’s governing body. Since then, she has forcefully served the interests of the junta. Corsi worked together with Yin Yin Nwe in Indonesia when he was the UNICEF deputy representative and she was UNICEF’s chief of tsunami support.
In the end, Corsi bowed to the pressure and on Dec. 4th, on the eve of the “conference”, gave a green light to the UN agencies and INGOs that their participation would not break the UN’s rules of engagement.
Which of course, it did, as it turned out on the first day when all of them played the roles of extras in Min Aung Hlaing’s propaganda show.
In a less hypocritical world than that of the international aid community in Yangon, after such a failure of judgement, UN Resident Coordinator Corsi would resign or would be asked to step down. His role is to protect the integrity and neutrality of international aid, not to give excuses to international organizations in Myanmar to be useful idiots for a murderous junta at sham “public health” conferences.
I also can’t help but wonder whether those international organizations that gave speeches at the “conference” and presented their booths for inspection by the junta boss will publish photos from the event in their annual reports?
Perhaps they could do so just as a warning—a “lesson learned”, so that similar mistakes do not happen again.
Igor Blazevic is a senior adviser at the Prague Civil Society Centre. Between 2011 and 2016 he worked in Myanmar as the head lecturer of the Educational Initiatives Program.
end post
Thursday, December 07, 2023
From Myanmar Now--army deserters "pardoned" sent back to barracks,Rohingya in Indonesia-Australia invites --etc
pardoned deserters sent back to barracks--
short of soldiers--that's for sure.
Myanmar kyat depreciates more against $ etc--
as one former colleague--"Jump the Fence" said in 2007, "You can't shoot prices to keep them down."
Loikaw pets.
Another Mass Shooting, USA.
Go through emergency drills with your loved ones--wherever you are.
Have agarb bag ready--impt papers, food, water. phone #s
safe place to shelter.
stay alive.
Sunday, December 03, 2023
Himal Interview--Precarious position of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
This reminds me of the Rohingya in Burma and the junta and the International agencies talk of repatriation.
How can they go back to concentration camps?
This drives them further and further east on small boats unsuited for oceans.
Everyone is complicit.
Salman Rafi Sheikh--Pakistan reversing Afghan Policy--in Himal Southasia
distressing--doke kha be--as we say in Burmese.
Irrawaddy in Burmese--Loikaw battles by "Sr. Irrawaddy correspondent"
If you can read Burmese, read it.
If not I am afraid you'll just have to look at pics.
I learn some terms--e.g.
Irra no longer says "tatmadaw" Royal Mother Army--but plain sit tatt (army)
nice Burmese renderigs--such as sit shaung--avoiding the war
not sit pyay--running away fr war=refugees
I notice even people in broadcast media--conceited--have bad Burmese
such as thwa=go or teeth for "start reading"
loo nar hnit thit koo=loo nar new year=sick patient new year--transliteration.
Becoming like my ecos. prof said--Horrible English and Horrible Burmese too.
Frogs in well be not proud.
Teeny tiny frog--photo Kyi May Kaung
Saturday, December 02, 2023
I saw the Ishtar Gate in Berlin in 2005
while at House of World Culture for SE Asian Writers who Dare to Confront.
Friday, December 01, 2023
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WH acknowledges leak (Yemen) involving highest security individuals--scroll down.